Top economist criticizes Labour’s economic goal of achieving the highest growth in G7 as insufficient – Updates on UK politics.

Top economist criticizes Labour’s economic goal of achieving the highest growth in G7 as insufficient – Updates on UK politics.

From 2h agoKey events2h agoBoris Johnson’s allies claim he is victim of false, hostile briefing, and threaten to retaliate2h agoLabour’s economic mission for highest growth in G7 not ambitious enough, says leading economistFilters BETAKey events (2)Keir Starmer (3)9m ago06.19 EDT

Keir Starmer is campaigning this morning in Rutherglen and Hamilton West, where a byelection is likely to take place after it was confirmed that Margaret Ferrier will be suspended from the Commons for 30 days. In a statement released overnight Starmer said:

For too long, the people of Rutherglen and Hamilton West have been failed by two bad governments and have been unrepresented by a missing in action MP.

The people of this area are crying out for change and for a new politics that offers hope, partners with their ambition for their area, and focusses on their priorities.

The Commons motion to suspend Ferrier for 30 days was meant to be passed yesterday. But, as Ben Quinn reports, the motion was not put to a vote – apparently because government whips feared that Boris Johnson’s supporters would vote against (because they are worried about setting a precedent).

The vote is now expected to take place after the Whitsun recess.

Boris Johnson allies accused of planning to block Margaret Ferrier suspensionRead moreKeir Starmer with Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar during a visit to Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire, this morning. Photograph: Robert Perry/PA17m ago06.11 EDT

The number of patients forced to sleep alongside the opposite sex on NHS wards in England has soared, PA Media reports. PA says:

In the six months to March – the most recent period for which there is official data – the rule preventing patients of different sexes from being treated on the same wards has been broken more than 25,000 times.

Hospitals broke the mixed-sex rule thousands of times in March alone, with a trebling of cases since before the pandemic, according to NHS figures analysed by the PA news agency’s RADAR service.

Despite the government banning mixed-sex wards in 2010, NHS England data shows the rule was broken almost 4,500 times (4,475) in March – the second-highest single month since 2011/12 and more than triple the 1,400 instances recorded in March 2019.

NHS organisations regularly submit data on the number of occurrences of “unjustified mixing” in relation to their sleeping accommodation.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “We have been clear patients should not have to share sleeping accommodation with others of the opposite sex and should have access to segregated bathroom and toilet facilities, and we expect NHS trusts to comply with these measures.”

45m ago05.43 EDT

In 2015 the Conservatives successfully argued during the general election campaign that a Labour government would probably be a minority administration in league with the SNP and that this would be bad for the country (England in particular – there was a trace of…

2023-05-26 05:19:50
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