Twitch Streamer Responds to Sexist Call of Duty Players by Making Sandwiches

Twitch Streamer Responds to Sexist Call of Duty Players by Making Sandwiches

It’s 2023, and FPS gaming hasn’t really improved for anyone who sounds like a woman over voice chat. No matter how skilled they are, it seems inevitable that some fuckwad is going to tell the player to make a sandwich. One female Call of Duty streamer decided to respond to shitty opponents by stepping away from her game to make an actual sandwich.

Twitch streamer Stephanie Evans keeps beating men in CoD, but that doesn’t earn her any respect with the chuds who keep telling her to get in the kitchen—a misogynistic insult that seems ubiquitous to online gaming. Instead of letting it slide off her back, she would sometimes get up from her game, go to her kitchen, and make a packed lunch. Kotaku asked Evans over email if the sandwich meta would cost her any wins. She said that her antics cost her “a round or two,” but that it only further motivated her to win. Most comments came after she had already won.

“I tried to speed run making sandwiches, which took me a minute and…

2023-02-14 15:00:03 Call of Duty Sexists Tell Twitch Streamer To Make Sandwiches, And She Does
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A female Twitch streamer recently responded to sexist feedback from a group of male Call of Duty players in the best way possible – by making them sandwiches.

The Twitch streamer, Cierra Rose, began her broadcast by joining a four-player Call of Duty match online. During the match, a group of male players began commenting on her gender and sharing offensive remarks. When the insults kept coming, Rose had had enough and decided to tell the players off. Instead of responding to them with anger or hostility, however, she retaliated with a cool-headed kindness.

Rose announced that the players would not receive an apology from her, but rather, she was going to show them her version of kindness by offering to make them sandwiches. At the suggestion of frustrated viewers, she posted a link for them to donate to an organization dedicated to providing homeless people with meals.

Many Twitch viewers were inspired by Rose’s gracious response to the sexist comments. They declared her actions to be an encouraging demonstration of self-respect and respect for others. Others commented that Rose’s response was funny and clever, reflecting an admirable level of maturity.

Streamers like Rose have proven that it’s possible to stand up for yourself or others without resorting to hostility. Her response has inspired many other Twitch viewers to call out and address sexism and inappropriate behavior wherever they see it.

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