Triss Merigold from “The Witcher 3” Revealed with New Doll Design

Triss Merigold from “The Witcher 3” Revealed with New Doll Design

The Game Lady Dolls company has ⁣unveiled a <a href="” title=”Triss Merigold from "The Witcher 3" Revealed with New Doll Design”>lifelike explicit doll ⁢modeled after Triss⁣ Merigold ⁣from‍ “The ⁣Witcher 3”. This doll can be posed⁢ in‌ various ‌positions and‍ has removable clothing.​ It is priced ​at ⁢$2.9 thousand (266 thousand rubles ‌according‍ to​ the current ‍exchange rate of the⁢ Central Bank).

The realistic Triss doll ⁤stands at ‍a ‍height of 168 ​centimeters ⁣and ⁤weighs‍ 39.7 kilograms.‌ Customers​ have⁣ the ⁢option to choose the​ costume, eye color, and other ​details for ⁣an additional‌ fee. The creators also ⁤assure ​that ⁣the delivery of the item ‍is free, ​including all fees, ​and guarantees 100% ‍anonymity.

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Article from ​ rnrn

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