Tracking Extreme Heat Across Europe and Asia: A Global Heat Map

Tracking Extreme Heat Across Europe and Asia: A Global Heat Map

An onslaught of heat⁢ waves ⁢is gripping ​parts of⁤ the Northern Hemisphere, as some ‍cities face dangerously high‍ temperatures.

Where​ Tuesday’s ⁣maximum ⁢temperature forecasts were⁣ extremely high

Source: Climate ​Reanalyzer, Climate Change ⁤Institute, University of Maine, using⁤ data from the ⁣National ⁣Centers for Environmental Prediction ‌Global ⁢Forecast System

In Europe,​ much ‌of Italy ​is engulfed⁤ by⁢ the heat, with ⁢temperatures⁢ expected ‍to reach 104 degrees ‌Fahrenheit (40‌ Celsius) ‌in the central ​and southern⁢ part of‍ the country. They ‍are ⁤likely‌ to creep⁤ even⁤ higher‍ in⁢ Italy’s‌ southern islands. Soaring temperatures ​and strong ‌winds ​have⁢ fueled ⁢wildfires⁤ in seaside ⁢towns⁤ in⁣ Greece, the ‌Canary Islands ‌and⁤ a ‌coastal village‍ in​ Croatia.

Sweltering ⁢temperatures⁢ also⁤ arrived​ in China ⁢and the Middle ⁤East, ‍where‍ the ⁤heat⁤ index⁣ — which measures how‍ hot​ it feels ⁢outside ‌by ‌taking ​into account temperature and humidity⁣ — has reached⁣ life-threatening⁢ levels.

In ⁢the United States, blistering temperatures⁣ are⁣ expected in southeastern⁢ California, ⁣southern ⁢Arizona, Texas ⁣and across the Southeast.

Where⁤ Tuesday’s forecast temperatures⁤ were ‌warmer than ​normal

Degrees ‌warmer ⁣or ⁣cooler ‍than⁢ the 1979-2000‌ average ⁤for ‍July‍ 18

Source: Climate Reanalyzer,​ Climate ⁣Change⁤ Institute, University of Maine, ‌using data from⁣ the National⁢ Centers for Environmental Prediction Global Forecast System

Last month was ‌Earth’s warmest June​ on‍ record,​ according‌ to researchers at ‌the ‍World Meteorological ⁢Organization,⁣ and ⁣scientists ‍have said that⁢ the ​first ​two ⁤weeks of⁤ July ‍have been​ the⁤ hottest⁤ since at least ⁢1940.

The ⁢bouts ​of⁣ exceptional warmth⁤ are driven ‍by ‍the ⁣continued emissions ‍of ‌heat-trapping gases, mainly from the burning ⁢of ⁣fossil fuels,‌ and in part⁤ by the‍ return of ⁤El Niño,​ a cyclical​ weather⁣ pattern ⁢that tends to be associated⁤ with‌ warmer years globally.

Hot surface‌ air temperatures have​ been ​accompanied​ by marine ⁣heat waves, too. Waters ⁤near Florida and the​ Caribbean reached⁢ into the⁢ 90s‍ Fahrenheit ​last ‌week, ⁣posing a severe‌ threat ‍to coral​ reefs and​ other ‌marine ​life.

2023-07-18 17:44:21
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