Over 50 Whales Tragically Perish Following Stranding in Scotland

Over 50 Whales Tragically Perish Following Stranding in Scotland

More ‌than 50 ​pilot⁢ whales died ‍on Sunday after they were stranded along a beach on the Isle of Lewis in ⁤northwest ⁢Scotland. It was the largest​ mass stranding event in Britain since‍ 2011, ‍marine ⁤rescuers say.

The coast⁢ guard, police ⁣and rescue volunteers found 55 whales — ⁤both adults and calves — stranded on⁣ the ⁣beach ​on⁢ Sunday morning, according to the ​British ⁣Divers‌ Marine‌ Life Rescue charity, ‍which⁣ coordinated the⁢ response. By the time ​responders arrived ⁤on the⁤ beach to ⁣administer first‍ aid to the⁤ surviving whales, ‌a majority ⁢were already dead, the charity ⁢added. By⁢ 3:30⁤ p.m. local​ time,‍ rescue‍ teams decided to⁤ euthanize ‍the surviving ‍animals ⁤“on welfare ⁤grounds,” after it was determined that⁢ rough⁣ waves⁤ and ​shallow beach ‍conditions made it unsafe‌ to refloat them.

Only one⁢ of the 55 whales survived, a ‌spokesman for the⁢ Western Isles ​Council,⁤ the local‌ government,⁢ said ‌in an email. The whale was⁤ one⁤ of two that had been successfully helped back ‍out to‍ sea. The other ⁣whale restranded itself ⁣and ‍subsequently died, ⁣British ⁤Divers ‌Marine ​Life‌ Rescue said.

It‌ can ‍take a frantic effort to ⁢save a whale’s life⁣ after it is ‌stranded. Pilot whales — which come from the same⁤ family as ⁣dolphins and porpoises —‍ can‍ grow ⁤to 24 feet⁣ in length and ⁢weigh up to 6,600⁢ pounds. When beached, they can gradually crush themselves or their‍ blood circulation can be cut off, ⁢releasing toxins‌ that‌ poison the animal, marine biologists‍ say.

“They were likely all in the same family, ​a ​unit traveling ⁣together‌ for ​decades,” said ⁢Daren Grover, general manager⁤ of⁢ Project Jonah New ​Zealand, a⁣ charity ⁣that responds to whale strandings in New Zealand.

The Cetacean​ Strandings Investigation ‌Program from the Zoological Society of⁣ London⁣ has logged over ⁤17,000 stranded cetaceans, referring⁢ to‍ the class⁣ of‌ animals‍ that includes pilot ⁤whales, dolphins and porpoises, ​since its founding in 1990. ‌Last‌ fall, 230 pilot whales were beached ⁤on the western coast of ‌Tasmania.

In 2011, roughly 70 pilot whales were stuck in shallow​ waters⁢ off the coast of Sutherland in Scotland. But⁢ a quick response led to the successful ‍refloating ‍of ​20 ⁤of​ the ​whales.⁣ This time, ​the⁤ rescue​ efforts faced “major obstacles” ‌from the outset, ‌said ​Dan‍ Jarvis, director of welfare and ​conservation at⁣ the rescue‍ charity.

“They basically​ found one‍ of‍ the worst ​places ‍to ​strand: in a remote island on a⁣ remote beach‍ on a ⁣Sunday,” he said.

Roughly 30 miles⁢ from​ the northwest​ coast of ‌Scotland, the‍ Isle of ‍Lewis ‌is accessible ⁣only ‌by ferry​ or plane. ⁢The rescue charity was short on volunteers and‍ equipment was scarce. With no ‌cellphone ‌signal within‌ a ⁣two-mile radius of‌ the‍ beach, ⁣new communication ⁣channels needed to be set up. It amounted‌ to ⁤a⁤ large-scale ‌coordination effort ‌of more⁣ than 50 responders⁣ including volunteers, the coast ‌guard, the police and ⁢the ‌Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

The charity said ⁢the ⁤whale pod might have followed one of ⁢the whales ashore after it had difficulty giving birth….

2023-07-17 16:22:50
Source from www.nytimes.com

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