Tim Sweeney’s Critique of Valve’s Policies Sparks Fiery Exchange with Operations Director

Tim Sweeney’s Critique of Valve’s Policies Sparks Fiery Exchange with Operations Director

The ⁣legal battle between Wolfire ⁣and Valve is still ongoing, and recently, we gained some interesting insights into the situation. Tim Sweeney expressed⁣ his dissatisfaction with Valve, ‍and ‍thanks to⁤ Simon ⁣Carless from GameDiscoverCo, we were able to get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes emails exchanged ‍between‍ Sweeney, Gabe Newell, and Scott Lynch.

Back in November 2018, Sweeney informed‍ Valve about Epic Games Store’s plans to offer a higher revenue share ‌for developers. He also raised concerns about Apple and urged Valve to take action to change​ their developer rates.

Shortly after⁢ this, Valve announced a reduction in⁢ their cut of the profits ⁤from​ popular games on Steam,​ which⁤ greatly upset Sweeney. In response, Sweeney criticized ⁤Valve for favoring major publishers⁤ and urged⁤ them to offer a ‌better deal⁣ to all developers.

Valve’s chief operating officer, Scott Lynch, responded with‌ a simple “You mad, ⁢bro?” to Sweeney’s email, which seemed to dismiss Sweeney’s concerns.

Despite Epic Games’ efforts​ to attract developers with exclusive offers and free games, Valve’s ⁣financial success and user base remain strong,⁢ indicating that the ⁤impact⁢ of the Epic‌ Games Store has been minimal.

Article from www.playground.ru

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