The World of Politics

The World of Politics


Donald Trump has ‌been charged with attempting to overturn the outcome of the 2020 American presidential election. This includes allegations of⁢ organizing ⁢”fraudulent slates of electors” in seven states,⁢ including Georgia, who would vote for him during ⁣the official certification process. The⁢ indictment, brought by Jack Smith, the⁣ special counsel appointed by the Biden administration to investigate Mr. Trump, accuses him of being ​involved in a “conspiracy to impair, ‍obstruct, and defeat ​the federal government function through dishonesty, fraud, and deceit.” These charges are the most ⁣serious that‍ the former president has faced thus far. Mr. Smith is pushing for a “speedy trial.”

Fitch, one of the major rating agencies, downgraded America’s credit rating from⁣ AAA to AA+ ⁣due to a‍ “steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years, including on fiscal and ​debt ‌matters.”

The individual who carried out the 2018 massacre at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which was the deadliest anti-Semitic ​attack‍ in American history,⁤ has been sentenced⁤ to death ⁢by a federal jury.

2023-08-03 07:37:42
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