The undeniable advantages of an effective workplace mentoring program

The undeniable advantages of an effective workplace mentoring program

The⁤ benefits of‌ a ⁣good workplace mentoring scheme are undeniable

Gandalf from “The Lord of the Rings”, Yoda in “Star Wars” or M in Ian Fleming’s early James‍ Bond novels all act as mentors, providing sage‌ advice and guidance ⁤to the less worldly-wise. ⁤In real life, as in fiction, the value of imparting wisdom gained through experience and age (Yoda is 900 years old, Gandalf is in⁤ his 1,000s)⁣ is becoming ever more⁤ important. It is in a company’s interest to keep its employees ⁢happy ‌and loyal even if the jobs-market upheavals of the pandemic-induced “great resignation” ⁣are fizzling out. A good mentoring scheme can ‍serve this⁢ purpose.

Workplace mentoring has long‌ been an informal affair, disguised as a chat by the coffee machine or⁤ a ‍trip to a bar with a longer-serving and more senior colleague.​ Even the most successful find having ‍a receptive ear a useful addition to the ⁣corporate⁤ armoury. For over 30 years Bill Gates has turned​ to another billionaire, Warren Buffett, for ‌advice. Peter Thiel, another tech ‍baron, credits René‍ Girard, a French polymath and part-time philosopher, as one of his greatest inspirations.

In recent years businesses have sought to ⁣formalise an arrangement ‌with the obvious rewards⁤ of nurturing a sense of connection and loyalty, and ⁤helping the transfer and development of ​skills. The ⁣aim is to support‌ staff and ⁢boost their confidence by sharing knowledge ​and experience. At their best, when​ there is genuine rapport between​ mentor and​ mentored, such arrangements can ⁤help the ⁢latter to come ​up with new⁢ ideas and ⁣help them cope⁤ with problems.

2023-08-24‍ 07:47:07
Source‌ from⁢

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