The Surprising Gaming Habits of the Actress Behind Lucy in Fallout: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Her Unexpected Hobby

Delving into ‌research is a crucial aspect‍ of an ​actor’s craft. When preparing for the role ⁢of​ Lucy in Fallout, Ella Purnell took ⁣a unique approach by immersing herself in the game world of the Wasteland. Despite⁣ not being a requirement from the creators of the‍ adaptation, Purnell played various Bethesda studio​ projects to gain ⁢insight from a player’s perspective. This dedication added ‌depth to the character’s narrative.

I have ⁤a passion⁤ for research. It’s a delightful⁤ pursuit for ‍me. Exploring ⁣the details of characters, ‍from their attire to the scents​ they wear, is where the magic of acting lies. Jonathan ​Nolan, Geneva Robertson-Dworet, and‍ Graham Wagner advised me against playing‍ games ​for preparation. They said it wasn’t essential.⁢ And they were right. But I chose to do it anyway, seeking to grasp the essence of it all.

By investing time in thorough research and preparation, Ella Purnell infused a familiar gaming‌ element into the script – ⁤the pivotal ⁤moment of choice that resonates with players alongside their characters.

For instance, a significant aspect of the game is decision-making. Choices alter the character’s progression, and upgrading weapons holds importance. There’s a scene where Lucy, a pacifist who solely uses ‌tranquilizers, faces the dilemma: “Should she upgrade her weapon?”. While not a major scripted moment, the realization that this choice mirrors a game mechanic adds depth, prompting a moment of ‍contemplation and temptation. How will this decision shape the future? It may not directly enhance the performance, ‌but it certainly adds an element of enjoyment.

Keep in mind, the protagonist’s journey in the series mirrors ⁢the player’s adventures. Lucy’s ⁣growth parallels the game’s main character,⁢ showcasing the player’s influence on the storyline, ​skill⁤ development, and weapon choices.⁢ Hence, the actress’s ⁤unique approach adds a captivating layer to⁣ the series that fans of Bethesda’s games can appreciate ⁣and⁢ uncover.

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