The Significance of Odesa for Ukraine in the Conflict with Russia

The Significance of Odesa for Ukraine in the Conflict with Russia

The last‌ two nights ‍have witnessed intense ‍Russian⁤ aerial attacks⁢ on​ Odesa, the southern Ukrainian ⁤port city, ⁢during the ‌ongoing⁢ 17-month-long war.⁢ Odesa ⁤has always ⁤been Ukraine’s gateway⁤ to the global economy and⁣ is home to its busiest⁢ ports.

Following Russia’s withdrawal from ​an⁤ internationally supported wartime agreement that allowed ⁣Ukraine to export‌ grain​ across the Black Sea, particularly⁢ from Odesa, the city’s⁢ significance has ⁢once⁤ again become ⁤apparent.

Let’s take a closer look at ⁢Odesa ‍and its​ role​ in‍ the war:

Founded⁣ in ⁣1794 ⁣by​ Empress Catherine the​ Great on ‍land⁤ acquired from the Ottoman Empire, Odesa holds economic, symbolic, and‍ strategic ⁢importance.⁢ It⁢ was established ⁤on the ⁣site⁤ of ⁣the Black Sea‌ fortress ⁣town of ‍Khadzhibei.

In ⁤1855, Robert ​Sears’‌ guide ⁢to‍ the Russian Empire ‍stated, “There⁣ is ⁣perhaps no ​town in the world ⁣in⁢ which‍ so‌ many different ⁣languages can⁤ be heard⁣ as in‌ the​ streets and coffeehouses‍ of ⁢Odessa.” He ⁤mentioned the⁢ presence ​of⁤ “Russians, Tartars, Greeks,​ Jews,​ Poles, Italians,⁤ Germans, French, etc.”

In many ways, Odesa​ represents the ‍opposite​ of President Vladimir ‍V. ​Putin’s Russian​ ethnic nationalism.​ However, for Mr.⁤ Putin, who sees himself ‌on​ a ‌historic mission to ⁤rebuild the Russian​ Empire, Odesa holds a ‍special place ​in ⁣his ‍conquest.

What has occurred in⁤ Odesa ‌during the war?

In the ‌initial weeks after‍ Mr. Putin⁣ ordered ​a ⁣full-scale invasion of ‌Ukraine in February ⁤2022, Odesa ‌remained relatively untouched. The first reported bombing​ of‌ the⁣ city‍ occurred nearly ‍a month after ⁣the invasion ⁤began, targeting the‍ outskirts of ‍the‍ city⁤ with no reported casualties.

Moscow had⁢ hoped to swiftly overthrow ​the⁢ Ukrainian ⁣government ‍in Kyiv, ⁣sending fighters towards the capital in ⁢the early‌ days ⁤of the ‌invasion. ⁤Russian‍ warships also posed⁤ a​ threat ⁤to the coast, ‌but​ the​ Kremlin⁤ seemed determined ⁣to ⁣claim‌ Odesa ‌without ⁣destroying the city known⁢ as “the pearl of​ the Black Sea.”

Although⁣ Russia’s forces ​were​ pushed back from⁢ Kyiv, ⁢they ‍have continued ‌to⁤ inflict ‍damage⁤ on⁢ the Ukrainian⁤ economy ‌by ⁣imposing a de facto naval⁣ blockade on ⁤the ‍ports in ​and⁤ around ‌Odesa. ⁣Despite ‍setbacks and ⁤their ‍current focus on holding onto captured land, ⁢Russia has targeted Odesa’s ​shipping facilities with missiles and drones‍ to destroy the infrastructure that enables‍ Ukraine,⁢ a⁣ major grain ‍exporter, to feed ​the world.

The ⁢three ports surrounding Odesa‌ are Ukraine’s largest ‍and include ​the only‌ deepwater⁣ port…

2023-07-19​ 10:35:32
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