The Significance of “Delta” in MGS3: Exploring the Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater Remake

The Significance of “Delta” in MGS3: Exploring the Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater Remake

A Metal Gear Solid 3 remake has been officially announced with the title Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. The game, which was first released on PlayStation 2 in 2004, serves as a prequel to the rest of the Metal Gear series. It follows the story of Big Boss, codenamed Naked Snake, as he infiltrates a Soviet lab to retrieve a stolen nuclear device, clashing with his former mentor, The Boss. Despite its odd title, the game was critically acclaimed and is still considered one of the best Metal Gear games. With no activity in the franchise since 2015’s Metal Gear Solid 5, any news is good news.

The title of the game is fittingly unusual for a military stealth game. The symbol Δ, pronounced “delta,” has provoked plenty of confusion and speculation online. The Delta title might just serve as an alternative to the number three, signaling to first-time Metal Gear players that this is an acceptable starting point. The use of delta in the title reflects the developer’s desire to change certain things about the original MGS3 without altering its overall structure. The fourth letter in the Greek alphabet, delta is often used in mathematical formulas and the sciences to mean “change.”

Besides shiny new graphics and an all-new game engine, modern tastes and the remake’s home on current-gen hardware necessitate a lot of adjustments, major and minor. The original MGS3 used a fixed, overhead camera perspective, which has long since fallen out of fashion in action games. Its frame rate was locked at 30 FPS, far lower than the 60 many prefer. It also made use of a unique feature of the PS2’s controller, in which pressing a button halfway down would often have different effects than pressing it fully, a potential snag for input devices other than the PS5’s DualSense. There are surely other changes planned, but they haven’t yet been announced.

However, it doesn’t seem like Konami wants to make any sweeping changes to MGS3. The overall story and structure will probably remain the same. The original voice cast will return in the remake, and the game will be released on PlayStation 5 and PC in early 2023.

2023-05-25 16:00:03
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