When you step into a gas station in the United States, you might be surprised to find colorful containers of delta-8, a type of THC, displayed alongside cigarettes. This substance is becoming increasingly popular among teens, raising concerns about potential risks to their development and mental health. Alyssa Harlow, an epidemiologist at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, warns about the dangers of exposing young people to cannabis, citing the possibility of negative effects such as suicidal thoughts.
Despite its growing presence, particularly in the South and Midwest regions, delta-8 remains relatively unfamiliar to both consumers and researchers. To shed light on this trend, Science News interviewed Harlow and addiction researcher Jessica Kruger from the University of Buffalo. They discussed the delta-8 craze and its impact on adolescents.
Delta-8 is just one of the many cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, with delta-9-THC being the most well-known compound.
2024-04-10 11:00:00
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