The potential of combining Facebook’s age with advanced AI to revolutionize remote work

The potential of combining Facebook’s age with advanced AI to revolutionize remote work

I’m seeing two conflicting trends at the moment: office buildings are being turned into⁢ apartment‍ buildings because of excess vacancies due ‍to⁣ work-from-home practices, and companies like Zoom are demanding that employees come back to ⁢the office — even if​ it isn’t in the firm’s best interest.

Employees mostly still want to work ‍from home, and staffing shortages still ‍largely‌ give them‍ a lot of say as to where they work. So why are companies now balking at employees working remotely? Generally, it’s because managers‌ still haven’t been trained‌ or​ given the tools they need to manage remote employees.

The employees who do want to work in‍ the office tend to⁢ be those who are new⁣ to the​ organization, particularly those coming right out ‍of ⁣school. This, too, is partially⁢ a management problem. Companies often don’t provide onboarding tools that help new employees feel like they are part⁣ of a company and that ⁢they have the same ⁣advantages ⁣as‍ those who have been​ with the ⁣firm⁣ longer ​or⁢ go into the​ office⁤ regularly.

This week I want to⁣ focus on ‌the last part of the problem — the need for new employees‌ to feel like ⁢they are ​part of the company. To fix that problem, we⁤ need the‌ old Facebook.

Facebook? Hear me out

I’m ‌talking about the early version of Facebook that Mark Zuckerberg created as a Harvard student. This social networking tool was designed to help new students create relationships and to better connect them ‌to the school so⁤ they ​felt like ​they belonged. ​This is the identical problem that new​ employees are facing,⁣ particularly‌ those ‌who are just out of school and⁢ have ‌never worked for a firm before.

Granted,⁣ this ⁤app would ⁣need to have ⁢better controls (such as the ability to prevent an upset⁢ employee from⁢ sharing their feelings​ with the entire ‌company) and ideally include some ⁢AI capability to advise in engagements between employees. Trolls⁢ and employees who behaved badly on the app⁤ could be terminated for cause, ​since the app would provide all the⁣ evidence ‌needed ‌to support the termination.

Generative AI would be⁣ an ideal addition‌ to the app, because it is conversational and would respond to employees consistently and without judgment. It could answer their ⁣questions ‌about the company,⁣ point⁤ them to company resources, and conceivably replace ⁣other​ HR tools, like static websites, that today ‍do a ‍poor job of onboarding employees.

The AI could also be used to flag behavior that⁣ could indicate that an employee is being abused, ‌is under high stress, or⁤ has become very​ sick.‌ It would be triggered ​by both content and the amount of ‍use the app is getting over time. An issue for remote​ employees,​ particularly those who​ are single or single with kids, ​is the potential to⁢ have a personal crisis overlooked by co-workers ⁤or managers when ​it might have been⁣ picked up if ​they were in the office — or ‌failed‌ to show up. The perception that no one cares⁣ can lead to depression, behavioral problems, and/or quitting…

2023-08-19 17:24:03
Article from rnrn

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