The Potential Disruption of Video Gaming by AI

The Potential Disruption of Video Gaming by AI

How​ AI could⁤ disrupt video-gaming

Flinging‌ brightly⁤ coloured objects around ‌a​ screen‌ at ⁤high speed is⁣ not ‍what computers’ central processing‌ units⁤ were ​designed for. So⁢ manufacturers⁣ of arcade​ machines invented the ‍graphics-processing unit ⁣(gpu),⁤ a ⁣set of ⁣circuits ⁤to​ handle video games’⁤ visuals in parallel to⁤ the work ​done by the central ⁤processor. The gpu’s ability ⁣to speed up ⁤complex tasks has⁢ since ⁢found wider uses: video ‍editing,‌ cryptocurrency ‌mining and, most recently, the ⁢training⁢ of artificial ⁣intelligence.

ai ​is now⁢ disrupting​ the industry that ​helped bring it into ⁣being.⁢ Every part of entertainment stands ‌to ‌be ​affected by generative ai, which digests ​inputs of text, image, ⁢audio ‌or video to create new‌ outputs ‌of ‍the same. But the ‌games business will change ‌the​ most, argues Andreessen ​Horowitz, a venture-capital‌ (VC)​ firm. ​Games’ interactivity requires‍ them to be stuffed⁤ with laboriously designed ⁢content: consider​ the⁣ 30 ⁣square ‌miles of landscape or 60 ‍hours of⁣ music⁣ in⁤ “Red Dead‍ Redemption 2”,⁢ a recent ‌cowboy ⁤adventure. ⁣Enlisting ai⁢ assistants​ to churn it out⁤ could drastically shrink‌ timescales​ and budgets.

2023-04-05 ​09:42:55
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