The Most Unlikely Method of Beating Elden Ring Achieved

The Most Unlikely Method of Beating Elden Ring Achieved

An Elden Ring player has accomplished an incredible feat by beating the game while blindfolded. Despite being out for a year, gamers continue to find unique and interesting ways to complete Elden Ring. Some players have used unconventional input devices, such as a dance pad, while others have managed to beat the game without walking.

This trend is not limited to Elden Ring, as players of the Dark Souls series and other soulslike games have also finished these titles with self-imposed rules and challenges. For example, one gamer completed Dark Souls 3 using a one-button Morse code controller, and other impressive feats can be found online. Now, an Elden Ring fan has completed the game in one of the most improbable ways imaginable.

A Twitch streamer named Pennek has achieved the world’s first blindfold speedrun of Elden Ring, as seen in a video shared on Reddit. The video shows Pennek defeating the final boss, the Elden Beast, in mere seconds. According to a comment on the post, a glitch was used to trick the game into thinking that Pennek was using the Ghiza’s Wheel Colossal Weapon with the attributes of another weapon. In reality, Pennek used the Serpent-Hunter spear, a unique weapon with massive hitboxes acquired by fighting Rykard.

2023-03-22 15:00:04
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