The Impact of the Israel-Hamas War on Palestinian Children

The Impact of the Israel-Hamas War on Palestinian Children

With warplanes⁢ carrying​ out air strikes and Israel’s announced total blockade of the Gaza Strip, ‍residents have been stripped ​of access ⁢to many necessities, including food and water.

In response to the Hamas attack on Israel, Gazan neighbourhoods, including al-Karama and Rimal, have been bombarded‌ and ⁣the civilian death toll, including hundreds ‍of children, ‍continues to rise.

Here is a look at how the war is affecting Palestinian children on the Gaza ​Strip:

On Wednesday, the death toll in Gaza reached at least 950 Palestinians, including 260 ⁢children, with the Palestinian Health Information Center reporting that 10 percent of‌ the 3726 people injured were children.

According⁤ to the⁢ Defense for Children International (DCI), a Palestinian human rights organisation focused‍ on child rights, since 2005, six major military offensives in Gaza have killed at least 1,000 ⁢Palestinian children.

“We know from previous experience that children will be terrified,” said Jason Lee, Save the Children’s country director for the occupied Palestinian⁣ territory, in a statement on Saturday.

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