The Developer of the Original Metroid Prime Expresses Dissatisfaction with the Doors in the Remastered Version.

The Developer of the Original Metroid Prime Expresses Dissatisfaction with the Doors in the Remastered Version.

2023-02-12 11:36:07
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Today, the remake of Metroid Prime is back in the headlines as One of the original developers of the game, Mark Van Tilburg, has recently expressed dissatisfaction with the doors featured in the remastered version of the game.

In the original Metroid Prime game, the doors opened based on how close players were to them. However, in the remastered version, the doors were changed to be triggered using a sensor in the controller. This has displeased many fans of the game, as it detracts from the atmosphere that the original sought to create.

Speaking on the changes made to the door, Mark Van Tilburg noted his disapproval to Wired. “I was absolutely disappointed to see what was done with the doors,” he said.

The developers of the original game had a big focus on creating a realistic and immersive atmosphere for players. The changes to the doors involve a much more mechanical approach and have been criticized as taking away from that atmosphere.

Van Tilburg noted that it was very disappointing to see the change, as it drags focus away from the journey that the game was designed to offer.

Although the development team behind the remastered Metroid Prime have addressed Van Tilburg’s criticisms, the changes to the doors remain in the game.

In addition to Van Tilburg’s criticism, fans of the game have been vocal in their support of keeping the original atmospheric experience offered with the opening of the doors as they were before.

It will be interesting to see if the game’s development team will make any changes in response to user feedback in the future, or if they remain focused on the current design. Whatever the outcome, it’s clear that players of the game want the experience of the original to be preserved, and that means keeping the doors just as they were.

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