Released in 2012, Sleeping Dogs has been a beloved game for over a decade, offering a refreshing alternative to the GTA formula with its captivating open world and thrilling combat set in Hong Kong.
Despite its many strengths, the game never received a sequel, leaving fans hopeful but uncertain about the possibility of one being developed.
Is there a chance for Sleeping Dogs 2? The game’s versatile gameplay and compelling story make it deserving of a sequel.
Recently, a player who completed Sleeping Dogs sparked a discussion on Reddit, praising the game’s gameplay and story and expressing a desire for a sequel:
It deserves a sequel.
Other users quickly joined in, expressing their admiration for the game’s mechanics and replay value. However, they acknowledged the unlikelihood of a sequel due to the developers’ bankruptcy and closure after the game’s release.
Despite this, some fans remain hopeful that the franchise could be revived if another publisher acquires the rights for a sequel. With Square Enix showing little interest in revisiting its Western franchises, the potential for a new owner to breathe life into the series is evident.
Despite the current disappointing circumstances, fans believe that Sleeping Dogs has untapped potential and could become a prominent open-world series. While the possibility of a sequel may seem uncertain, fans are not ready to give up hope just yet.
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