The Crossroads: Ukraine’s Prolonged Counteroffensive

The Crossroads: Ukraine’s Prolonged Counteroffensive

A critical ⁣juncture has been ⁣reached in ‌Ukraine’s months-long counteroffensive. After weeks ⁣of difficult battles, Ukrainian forces have ⁢slowly edged south in the Zaporizhia region, ⁢taking hamlet after‍ hamlet as Russian forces⁣ try to ‌keep them at⁤ bay.

The counteroffensive in the south⁢ is just one⁤ part of a⁤ significant push ‍along a vast front line,⁢ stretching from‌ Vasilivka in Zaporizhia to the city⁤ of Donetsk in the eastern region of Donbas and up to⁣ Bahmut, a ⁢city north of Donetsk‍ to the ⁤outskirts of Kupiansk in⁣ northeastern Ukraine. This ‌does not even include the strikes and raids ⁣on Crimea and from across the Dnipro River ⁣from the city‌ of Kherson to the ‍Black Sea.

There has⁣ been‍ widespread speculation that somehow Ukraine’s advance in the south has ⁤stalled or at the very best been limited. In reality, its soldiers have had to‍ make their way ​across⁣ open ground through a maze of well-placed fortified ‍positions and trenches.

The surrounding area is heavily ‌mined ‌and likely approaches​ are covered by Russian heavy artillery and missile batteries.

Movement can be easily spotted in the distance as drones⁢ tirelessly monitor the battlefield.

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