The Constellation of Coma Berenices

The Constellation of Coma Berenices

Constellation Coma Berenices

A stunning image of constellation Coma Berenices. Image credit: NASA.


Constellation Coma Berenices, also known as Berenice’s Hair, is a constellation located in the northern sky. It is named after Queen Berenice II of Egypt, wife of Ptolemy III.

Origin and Mythology

According to an ancient Greek legend, Queen Berenice II promised to sacrifice her long, beautiful hair to the gods if her husband, King Ptolemy III, returned safely from a war. When he did, Queen Berenice cut off her hair and placed it in the temple of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. However, the hair mysteriously vanished from the temple, causing concern among the people. The court astronomer, Conon of Samos, explained that the gods were so pleased with the queen’s sacrifice that they transformed her hair into a beautiful constellation in the night sky, now known as Coma Berenices.

Observing the Constellation

Coma Berenices is visible in the northern hemisphere during spring evenings. It is located near the constellations Leo, Boötes, and Virgo. While it may not be among the brightest constellations, it is easily identifiable due to its distinct shape resembling a tuft of hair. The constellation is best observed from areas with minimal light pollution to fully appreciate its beauty.

Notable Celestial Objects

  1. Coma Cluster: Coma Berenices is home to one of the richest known galaxy clusters, the Coma Cluster. This cluster contains thousands of galaxies and is approximately 320 million light-years away from Earth.
  2. NGC 4565: Also known as the Needle Galaxy, NGC 4565 is a prominent edge-on spiral galaxy located within Coma Berenices. It is often referred to as “The Great Exclamation Mark” due to its elongated shape.
  3. Messier Objects: The constellation is also associated with several Messier objects, including the globular clusters Messier 53 and Messier 64, commonly known as the “Black Eye Galaxy.”

Facts and Figure

  • Coma Berenices is one of the 88 modern constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
  • The constellation is spread across an area of approximately 386 square degrees in the sky.
  • Coma Berenices is located between latitudes +90° and -70°.
  • The primary stars in the constellation are Beta Comae Berenices and Alpha Comae Berenices.

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