How to watch the ‘Green Comet’ as it makes closest approach in 50K years

How to watch the ‘Green Comet’ as it makes closest approach in 50K years

'Green Comet'

How to Watch the ‘Green Comet’ as it Makes its Closest Approach in 50,000 Years

The ‘Green Comet’ is set to make its closest approach to the Earth in 50,000 years, making it an event not to be missed. Here’s everything you need to know about the comet, and how you can watch it as it makes its closest pass.

When is the ‘Green Comet’ Set to Make its Closest Approach?

The Green Comet is set to make its closest approach to the Earth on June 10th, 2021. It is believed that its closest approach to the Earth in 50,000 years, making it a unique and special event.

Where Can You Watch the ‘Green Comet’ from?

The Green Comet can be seen from anywhere on the planet, however, it will be brightest and most visible from locations in the Northern Hemisphere.

What Equipment Do You Need to Watch the ‘Green Comet’?

To watch the Green Comet, you will need the following basic equipment:

If you don’t have access to any of these pieces of equipment, you can still try to watch the comet with the naked eye by finding a dark sky location with minimal light pollution.

Tips for Viewing the ‘Green Comet’


The ‘Green comet’ is a truly unique and special event, and it’s an opportunity not to be missed. With basic astronomical equipment, you can watch it make its closest approach in 50,000 years from any location on the planet, making sure you find an area with minimal light pollution for the best view. Follow the tips above for the best chance of viewing this once-in-a-lifetime event. On the 6th of May, the ‘Green Comet’, also known as Comet Atlas, is set to make its closest approach in 50,000 years. This rare phenomenon is likely to be one of the most spectacular sights in the night sky this year, and presents a unique opportunity to view one of nature’s most delicate objects of beauty in the night sky.

In order to make the best of this experience, it is important to ensure that the area chosen is as dark as possible, clear of any light pollution, and is facing away from cities and densely populated areas. The comet is expected to be visible with the naked eye of anyone who is in darkness and has a clear view of the night’s sky. It is advisable to bring along a pair of binoculars, as this will give you an enhanced, more complete view of the comet and can make the entire experience even more awe-inspiring.

At its closest approach the comet will be much brighter than any of the other stars and planets in the night sky. It is likely to be visible from all parts of the world, however observers in the Northern Hemisphere are expected to enjoy an especially clearer and more vivid sighting.

Keeping an eye on the news for updates regarding the exact date and time that the comet will reach its closest approach is also strongly recommended. Depending on the weather conditions it is possible for the comet to have a greater or lesser impact in the night sky and updated information will ensure that viewers are always in the best position to make the most of the event.

This unique opportunity to witness one of nature’s most splendid cosmic offerings will not be presented again any time soon and it is expected that the ‘Green Comet’ will generate a great deal of excitement and wonder. Making sure to find a clear, open sky and tuning into news updates, will help viewers make the most of the celestial experience.

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