The Amount of COVID-19 Virus Exhaled by Infected Individuals

The Amount of COVID-19 Virus Exhaled by Infected Individuals

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads through ‍the ⁣air.​ But just how much virus people⁤ breathe⁤ out over the course of⁤ infection isn’t well-defined.
On average, participants breathed out 80 copies ⁣per minute for a full eight days after symptoms began, the team reports September 8 in a⁤ preprint posted⁣ at Only ⁤after that ⁢point ⁣did the viral particles drop⁣ to nearly undetectable levels.
Lane, of‍ Northwestern‍ University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, and colleagues still need to ‍confirm what percentage of that exhaled viral ‌RNA comes from viruses​ that can⁤ still replicate in another person’s body. And scientists don’t yet know how much virus is ‌required for infection.
But, based⁣ on the new‌ data, the ⁤team estimates that a high ⁢shedder could potentially exhale enough virus‌ to infect someone in a⁤ closed space​ in about ‍20‌ seconds, making ‌even elevator⁤ rides risky. With ​an average shedder, infection⁣ could take⁣ a little under four minutes.

2023-09-25 08:00:00
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