Sufjan Stevens Overcomes Autoimmune Disease Diagnosis, Embracing a New Journey of Healing and Growth

Sufjan Stevens Overcomes Autoimmune Disease Diagnosis, Embracing a New Journey of Healing and Growth

The Oscar-nominated US indie-folk artist Sufjan Stevens has announced he is suffering from a serious ​autoimmune disease.

In an‌ Instagram post, he said he has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and is unable to walk. ⁢He said symptoms began last month: “My hands, arms and legs ⁢were numb and tingling and ⁣I had no strength, no‌ feeling, no ‍mobility,” he​ wrote. After a diagnosis in hospital, he ‌spent two weeks “stuck in a bed, while my doctors did all the things to keep‌ me alive and stabilise my condition. I owe them my life.”

He added that he was now “undergoing⁢ intensive physical‍ therapy/occupational ⁢therapy, strength building etc to get ‌my body back in shape and to learn to walk again. It’s a slow process, but they say I will ‘recover,’⁣ it just takes a lot of time, ⁣patience⁢ and hard work. ⁢Most people ⁢who have⁤ GBS​ learn⁢ to⁤ walk again on their ⁢own within a year, so I am⁤ hopeful … I’m committed⁤ to getting better, I’m ⁤in good spirits, and I’m surrounded ‌by‌ a really great⁢ team.”

Stevens said he was “very⁣ excited” about his forthcoming new album, ‌Javelin, being released on 6 October. Two songs from⁤ the ​record, So You⁣ Are Tired and ​Will Anybody Ever Love Me?, have already⁣ been released.

Stevens is‌ one of the leading ‌figures of US alternative music, celebrated for albums including Illinois and⁤ Carrie & Lowell, the ‌latter ‍named in 2019 ⁤by the Guardian as one of the​ 100 best albums of the 21st century.

In 2018 ⁤he⁤ was ‍nominated for best original song at the Academy ‌Awards, for Mystery of Love, written for ⁢romantic drama‌ Call​ Me By‌ Your Name.

2023-09-20 10:12:45
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