Tesla Nightmare: Owner Forced to Sell $140K Car After Battery Lockout Demands $26K Replacement

Tesla Nightmare: Owner Forced to Sell 0K Car After Battery Lockout Demands K Replacement

Mario Zelaya, a proud Tesla owner, faced a frustrating situation ⁤when his car’s ⁢battery died unexpectedly. The⁢ high cost of replacing the ‌battery, coupled with‌ unforeseen ⁢expenses, led him to make the difficult decision to sell his beloved vehicle despite ⁢its initial hefty price tag.
IBTimes UK

Imagine‌ being locked ‌out of your ‍car because of ⁢a ​dead battery and being told that the only solution is to shell out thousands ​for a new one.⁢ This was the reality for Canadian Tesla owner ​Mario Zelaya who expressed ⁢his frustration ​in⁤ a ⁤TikTok video.

In the video, Mario⁢ revealed how he⁢ was unable to unlock his $140,000 Tesla due ‌to a dead battery⁢ that ⁢required replacement. ⁤Unlike‌ traditional cars where alternative methods could​ be used in ⁤such situations, ⁣Tesla’s unique design⁣ meant that without power from the battery, ‌accessing the vehicle became impossible.

The shocking revelation came when Mario discovered that replacing⁣ the ‍dead battery would cost him an eye-watering $26,000. Feeling ‍trapped and disillusioned by this ⁣unexpected expense, he ⁤took to social media to share his ordeal with others.


My opinion: Tesla ⁢shut down my car over the⁤ air because my ​videos ⁢after refusing to⁢ pay for a new battery. #tesla #car

⁢♬⁤ original ⁤sound – Mario Zelaya

The High Price‍ Tag Of Battery ​Replacement

Mario’s ‍frustration grew ​as he realized just how‍ costly it‌ would be to get ‍back into his car. With no other viable options in sight and facing an exorbitant bill of ​$26K for a⁤ new battery alone, ⁤he made the tough choice to part ways⁢ with his Tesla.

Selling off ​his ⁣prized‍ possession wasn’t without its challenges though as crucial ownership‍ documents were locked inside the⁢ vehicle itself. To proceed⁣ with selling it off ​successfully, ⁣Mario had to incur ⁣additional costs ‍by obtaining duplicate ‌paperwork before ​finding a buyer.

Mario’s​ experience⁤ dates back to 2013 when certain Tesla models encountered technical issues related to fluid‌ leaks affecting their batteries. Despite raising concerns and seeking assistance from regulatory bodies like Transport Canada⁤ regarding ‌these issues over time, satisfactory resolutions seemed elusive.

A Disillusioned Owner Speaks Out

Frustrated ⁣by what he perceived as poor customer service ‌and unresolved technical problems⁣ plaguing Teslas like his own model year 2013 purchase which faced similar issues years later despite assurances from authorities investigating such matters,Mario decided enough was enough.“I’ll never‍ buy​ another Tesla ⁢again,” declared Mario emphatically ​on social media while sharing⁢ details about selling off‍ his problematic vehicle which left him disheartened ⁣about electric ⁤cars in general.

As more ⁣stories emerge ⁢about troubling incidents involving Teslas like Craig Doty II nearly crashing⁢ due Full Self-Driving⁢ mode or Brianna Janel getting stuck during system ​updates at inconvenient locations,it raises questions not just about safety ⁤but also reliability ​concerns among owners worldwide.

While Elon Musk-led company continues pushing boundaries innovation features such FSD mode,it must address recurring issues highlighted by ‌customers like ⁣Mario who ‍felt let ⁤down⁣ by their expensive purchases.

The ⁣need prioritize ⁤customer satisfaction⁣ quality assurance becomes paramount especially charging premium prices repairs​ replacements further complicates matters surrounding ‍brand reputation moving forward.

Tesla Faces Challenges Ahead

With ⁢growing competition ⁤market expansion efforts ​underway,Tesla must reassess its approach towards ensuring⁣ product quality reliability while keeping customers happy satisfied long-term success sustainability goals intact⁤ moving forward.

2024-09-16 15:15:02
Post‌ from ⁤ IBTimes.

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