Sydney Woman Faces Court Inquiry Regarding Accusations of Rape by Sri Lankan Cricketer

Sydney Woman Faces Court Inquiry Regarding Accusations of Rape by Sri Lankan Cricketer

A Sydney⁢ woman has been asked ⁢how Sri Lankan cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka could have removed a condom without her knowing during a sexual encounter at her home.

The alleged victim claims ⁤she​ was sexually assaulted on November 2, 2022 at her eastern suburbs premises after matching with the international batter⁤ on Tinder and⁤ meeting⁢ him at the Opera Bar ​for a date.

Gunathilaka allegedly told​ the​ woman he ⁤did not need⁤ to wear⁣ a condom,‌ saying that she should trust ‍him ⁣and that she would not fall ⁢pregnant.

The 32-year-old‌ denies ⁤any wrongdoing and has ​pleaded not ⁣guilty to one count of sexual intercourse ⁣without consent.

As his rape trial at Sydney’s Downing Centre district court continued on Tuesday, defence⁤ barrister⁢ Murugan Thangaraj SC ⁤asked how the alleged “stealthing” could have taken place given the woman’s claims the sex had ⁣continued for 10 to ⁢15 minutes.

“You ⁢don’t describe ⁣the sexual​ intercourse ever pausing, do you?” Thangaraj asked.

“I⁤ don’t, no,” the⁢ woman replied.

“The way you describe what happened, there was no opportunity for ⁢Danny⁤ to remove the condom,” the barrister pressed.

“No, I disagree with that,” the⁢ woman said.

She told the ​court the cricketer could have removed the condom and thrown it on⁤ the floor⁤ while he was either choking her or slapping her buttocks.

“At no point did ‌Mr Gunathilaka have⁤ unprotected [sex] with you,” Mr Thangaraj said.

“That‌ is not​ correct,” the woman⁤ replied.

The alleged victim, ‍who cannot ‌be legally identified, was also asked about what she ‌said occurred after the pair left the⁢ Opera Bar​ to have pizza in ⁣the Sydney CBD and⁢ then return by ferry to⁢ her home.

She alleged⁢ Gunathilaka forcefully kissed⁣ her on ferry’s front outdoor deck and slapped her buttocks in a manner she did not like.

CCTV footage shows her chatting and embracing the ⁤cricketer on ⁣a side outdoor deck‍ and ⁢seems ​to show her ​waving in⁣ front of his phone as he films Sydney harbour.

After they go back⁤ inside the⁢ cabin to sit down, the‍ footage shows‌ her ⁤holding his⁣ hands for ⁣a long time before getting‌ up to leave.

She said ⁢the forceful kiss and the slap happened on another area ⁣of the ferry where there was no CCTV.

“He did slap my ‌buttocks but I don’t know at what point it was while ⁤we⁢ were on​ the ferry,” she said.

She said she​ invited him into her house where she offered him some wine and played the guitar.

She told police she had⁤ stopped playing because Gunathilaka kept⁤ filming her without her permission.

Thangaraj suggested events that allegedly happened after this, including that ‌Gunathilaka ‍pushed her back onto the lounge and pushed his⁣ head forcefully into hers, actually didn’t happen.

He questioned the woman’s claims ‍she led the cricketer into‌ the ⁢bedroom and lit ⁣candles ⁣to set the mood despite the prior alleged ⁤aggressive conduct.

The trial heard before judge⁢ Sarah Huggett without a jury continues.

⁤ Information and support for anyone affected by rape or sexual abuse ⁢issues is available from⁤ the…

2023-09-19 02:04:52
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