Survey finds that a majority of major US companies have increased their usage of Apple devices

Survey finds that a majority of major US companies have increased their usage of Apple devices

Accelerating enterprise adoption of Apple devices feels inevitable, with 76% ‌of large businesses now using​ more Apple devices, and nine in 10 IT professionals praising‌ the business advantages of ‌Macs, iPhones, and ‍iPads in the workplace.

Those are some of the findings within an extensive ⁢Dimensional Research survey that identifies ⁢trends for IT ​use across US enterprises. Commissioned by Apple device management company Kandji, the study sheds fresh light on how Apple‌ hardware is now being​ used in business, and the benefits they bring.

It ​follows reports that⁣ IDC expects business​ use ⁣of Apple devices to increase rapidly over the coming 12 months.

The fresh data seems to confirm the momentum, with 57% of US businesses agreeing ‌that ‌adoption of Apple devices is ‍growing faster than other options.

As clear as the sun

In part, that’s because of advantages, including reliability (56%) and a longer usable life (53%). Business‌ users like machines ‌that don’t break ​often⁢ and stay usable longer.

Apple’s iPad is the most-wanted tablet system across business IT; it’s requested almost three times as often as Android equivalents​ and — bad news for Microsoft — almost eight times as sought-after as ⁤Surface. Apple’s grip on the mobile enterprise seems to ​be intensifying.

The survey, which is available for download here, ‍carries dozens of valuable data points that illustrate not just the enterprise ascendancy Apple‌ now has, but ⁤also confirms many advantages of a move to those devices. For example, 67% of IT⁢ pros saw  productivity improve just by switching to‌ Apple devices, while 56% note that iPhones and iPads are preferred to Android in terms of both ⁣productivity and user experience.

User‍ satisfaction is a big part of the growth story, with 87% of IT pros saying they have benefited from moving to Apple and around 75% saying their systems are now more⁤ secure.

​A familiar song

Security is ‌a very big deal driving this enterprise transition.

76% of IT pros say Windows and Android devices are more likely to be targeted for attack than the equivalent devices from Cupertino. And, of course, the cost of ownership is lower, the data confirms. That’s been known for some time, ever since IBM revealed astonishing TCO savings by⁤ shifting to⁣ Macs.

Just 10%⁢ of respondents see no advantage to Apple ownership, making that position ‌a clear outlier in denial of facts. All these data‌ points confirm the momentum for Apple in​ the enterprise, but they also go a long way to showing that in terms of cost of ownership, security, employee choice, and productivity‍ the move is far more than a change of chassis — it’s a strategic decision that promotes company growth.

“Apple devices have exceeded the bounds of fulfilling employee enjoyment and ‍are now proven to be a strategic choice for the business,” said Adam Pettit, founder and CEO of Kandji. “I look forward to seeing their continued growth across enterprises of all sizes.”

Not just⁣ a good…

2023-08-29 18:48:03
Source from rnrn

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