Sudan-Related Books for Better Comprehension

Sudan-Related Books for Better Comprehension

If you want to understand the events leading up to the 2019 uprising that ousted Sudan’s longtime dictator, Omar al-Bashir, and the fragile regime that followed, read “Sudan’s Unfinished Democracy: The Promise and Betrayal of a People’s Revolution” by Willow Berridge, Justin Lynch, Raga Makawi, and Alex de Waal. This book provides historical context and insight into the 2021 military coup and the violence that erupted this week.

For a critical but fair-minded analysis of the foreign response to the war in Darfur at the turn of the century, I recommend “Fighting for Darfur: Public Action and the Struggle to Stop Genocide” by Rebecca Hamilton. Hamilton reports from refugee camps and political negotiations where Sudanese citizens fought to stop a war that threatened their communities. The book also examines the foreign efforts to address the conflict.

2023-04-21 09:20:36
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