Study reveals that elephants, bison, and moose play a significant role in enhancing tree diversity

Study reveals that elephants, bison, and moose play a significant role in enhancing tree diversity

Using global ⁣satellite data, a research ⁤team⁤ has mapped the tree cover of the world’s protected areas. The study shows that regions with abundant ⁢large herbivores ⁣in many settings have a‌ more variable tree cover, which is‍ expected‌ to benefit biodiversity overall.

Maintaining species-rich⁣ and resilient ‌ecosystems is key to preserving biodiversity and mitigating ‍climate⁢ change. Here, ‌megafauna—the part of the animal population in an​ area that is made up ‍of ​the largest animals—plays an important role. ‌In ​a ‌new study published in the⁢ journal One Earth, an ​international research team,‌ of which Lund University is a part, has investigated the⁣ intricate interplay between​ the number⁤ of voracious herbivores ⁢and the diversity of trees‍ in⁣ the world’s protected areas.

“Our findings reveal a fascinating and‍ complex story​ of how ‍large herbivorous animals shape the world’s natural landscapes. The tree cover⁢ in these areas is sparser, but the diversity​ of ⁤the tree cover is much⁣ higher than in areas without large herbivores,” says Lanhui ​Wang, a ‌researcher in physical geography​ and ecosystem ​science at Lund University.

“In our global analysis,‍ we find a substantial association between‍ the biomass ⁣of large herbivores and varied tree cover in protected​ areas, notably for browsers and mixed-feeders ​such as elephants, bison and moose and​ in non-extreme climates,” explains the study’s‍ senior author, Jens-Christian Svenning, professor at Aarhus University.

The ⁣study supports the idea that large wild herbivores promote a diverse vegetation ‍structure,‌ creating⁢ a rich habitat for many other species. This is due to ⁢the animals’ consumption of ‍vegetation as‍ well as physical disturbances.

2023-11-04 11:41:03
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