Stop Rolling Into Elden Ring Walls Now

Stop Rolling Into Elden Ring Walls Now

Like most games made by FromSoftware, Elden Ring has plenty of secrets for perceptive players to find – and there’s one trick in particular that could help to spot the game’s many illusory walls. Putting players in the wide open world of the Lands Between means that Elden Ring has more secrets than even the Dark Souls series preceding it for players to find (or miss). Elden Ring’s illusory walls are just some of the secrets in-game that are difficult to spot.

While a first playthrough of Elden Ring likely misses secrets, savvy players might notice that, like past FromSoftware games, most of Elden Ring’s cleverly hidden paths or devastating ambushes have subtle tells. A hallway that opens into a wider room, with an item in plain view, for example, is usually a good sign that there’s something sneakily waiting in an out-of-view corner to spring a surprise attack. Likewise, chambers hidden by illusory floors in some of the game’s many ruins can usually be spotted by their resemblance to other, similar chambers (and the fact that most ruins have at least one). Some players, however have picked up on how to spot illusory walls in Elden Ring.

As spotted by a keen-eyed player, illusory walls in Elden Ring’s catacombs can be spotted by the distinct lack of a ledge at the bottom. The discovery, although perhaps not as applicable for illusory walls in places like Raya Lucaria, comes courtesy of illiterateboii on the Elden Ring subreddit, with a video showing off the visual difference between normal and illusory walls. While perhaps not true of every illusory wall in the game, as some other users point out, it’s a good general rule to keep in mind while exploring the many catacombs of Elden Ring, and shows how secrets in FromSoftware games encourage thorough observation.

Small, subtle tells like slightly different details on a wall are an important part of how Elden Ring communicates its secrets to the player. With secrets encouraging players to be aware of their…

2023-02-12 15:26:26
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It seems that fans of the upcoming game Elden Ring, from gaming developer FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco, have begun to take their excitement for the game a step too far.

Social media, Reddit boards, and even gaming forums are abuzz with people “rolling into Elden Ring walls” as a way of expressing their enthusiasm for the upcoming game. While fandom and positivity are entirely encouraged, there have been reports of players intentionally crashing their cars or bikes into real walls, referencing the time-honored tradition of “rolling” in FromSoftware’s previous titles, such as Dark Souls and Sekiro.

This behavior is not only incredibly unsafe, but could result in serious injury or worse for the people involved. We implore all fans of the Elden Ring to please understand the difference between having a good time and potentially putting their lives in danger. The game could be a long way from its 2021 release date and — although we don’t want to dampen any enthusiasm — this kind of behavior carries with it a huge risk.

So please, fans of Elden Ring: find a safer way to express your excitement. At this early stage, it’s highly unlikely that any sort of physical interaction with the game’s walls will provide a meaningful win — or a safe experience.

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