Starfield: Which Faction to Choose – The Crimson Fleet or Sys Def?

Starfield: Which Faction to Choose – The Crimson Fleet or Sys Def?

Starfield may not limit the number of factions players⁣ can join, but ultimately, it requires them to make a definitive ​choice between the ‌Crimson Fleet and United Colonies. The UC serves as ​space​ law⁢ enforcement, while the Fleet operates more like space‌ pirates. Specifically, the Crimson Fleet is a loosely organized coalition of pirates, while the‌ militarized UC ‌regulates interstellar trade and punishes smuggling and theft. Each ⁢faction offers its ⁢own rewards, but one option clearly stands out as superior.

Technically, it is possible to⁤ join all factions in⁤ Starfield, but eventually, their ⁤questlines may conflict with each ‌other. This conflict is most apparent in⁣ the rivalry between UC and the ‌Crimson Fleet. Joining both factions is ‌actually required⁣ to progress in either of their quests, but during the Crimson Fleet mission “Legacy’s ‌End,” players must finally choose a side. The stories ‌of both factions intersect in many places, and by the time this quest begins, the ​objectives ⁢for ‌each side are essentially the same. The only differences ‍lie in⁤ the rewards and their impact on the wider ⁤galaxy, ‍so the final decision should be based on these factors.

In terms of money, loot, and a well-equipped spaceship,⁢ it ⁢is better to side​ with⁣ the Crimson Fleet⁢ over‌ UC SysDef in Starfield. ⁤Regardless of the chosen faction, players will be rewarded with‍ 250,000 credits, 350 XP, and the unique​ weapon ‍of‌ the faction leader ⁣they had to ⁤fight at‍ the end⁤ of the Crimson Fleet/SysDef quest line. Since the ​quests are largely identical, the main difference⁣ lies in⁤ which faction⁤ epilogue plays out during Starfield’s ending.

However, ⁣each questline⁢ also offers a unique reward,​ and the‌ Crimson Fleet’s reward is much better. ​Completing the UC faction quests grants players a ‍free house in Starfield. Completing the Crimson⁤ Fleet quests, on ‌the other hand, grants access ‍to ‌the pirate base ⁤at The Key. While houses are nice, the UC’s Well penthouse ‌is nothing ⁣more than two ‌empty rooms. ‌Although they can be ‍customized, there are better⁤ options available on ⁤the market. It‍ is also important to note that ‌houses cannot compare⁢ to Outposts, which can generate ​easy money in Starfield and are highly customizable. It is even⁤ possible to ⁣build a better house on an Outpost.

A half-rusted space station ⁢housing a den of pirate debauchery may not sound as fantastical or aspirational as ⁣the dream of owning a home, but The ⁣Key is a much more practical resource than the ‌cramped,‍ dull apartment⁤ offered at the end‌ of ⁤the UC questline. ⁢It provides players with a⁣ reliable place to sell stolen goods and contraband in Starfield, which can be difficult to⁢ find in UC-controlled space. Additionally, The Key ‍is home to an NPC named Jazz, a Ship Services Technician.‍ Jazz has ⁢access to​ some of the best‍ illegal ⁣ship components in the game.

2023-12-20 15:00:06
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