‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ releases its ‘Lower Decks’ crossover ahead of schedule

‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ releases its ‘Lower Decks’ crossover ahead of schedule

Ever since Strange New ⁢Worlds’ second season​ was⁣ announced, the⁢ big draw⁤ has been the crossover ‍episode‌ with animated sitcom Lower ⁢Decks. ‌It would see ‌Tawny​ Newsome⁢ (Mariner) and Jack Quaid (Boimler) taking their until-now‌ animated characters‌ into‍ live action. Following an early⁤ screening ⁣at Comic-Con, the ⁤episode ‌is ⁣now ‍available to watch ⁢on ‍Paramount Plus.

The ⁣following ⁤article ⁤contains⁤ spoilers for “Those Old Scientists.”

There’s⁤ an ⁢SNL sketch⁢ where ⁣William Shatner, as himself, exhorts‍ a ‌room full of Star Trek fans to “Get⁢ a Life!” ⁢It’s clearly intended in jest, ‍given Shatner’s‌ barely-suppressed​ smile and a twist where ⁣Phil⁢ Hartman’s manager forces him to instantly ‌recant his​ rant.‍ Depending on who you ⁣ask,​ the​ sketch was ⁣either taken‍ in ⁢the spirit it was intended, or with outrage​ amongst fans who⁤ felt ⁢mischaracterized, and misunderstood. ⁤But ⁤it’s ‍this ‌dichotomy, between the legend‌ and​ the ⁤truth⁢ that’s mined ‌for ⁢laughs in “Those Old ⁣Scientists,” ⁣the…

2023-07-22‌ 18:00:33
Post ‍from www.engadget.com

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