Spain Accused by Israel of Aligning with Hamas Following ‘Genocide’ Allegation

Spain Accused by Israel of Aligning with Hamas Following ‘Genocide’ Allegation

Madrid, Spain‌ – Israel and ⁤Spain⁢ are currently in a diplomatic ‍dispute after Israel accused some Spanish ministers of supporting Hamas in the Middle East conflict. However, Madrid has rejected these claims.

The disagreement started when left-wing Spanish politicians from the coalition government accused‍ Israel of committing “genocide” against the Palestinian people.

Ione Belarra, the social rights minister ‌and leader of Unidos Podemos,‌ the far-left junior partner in Spain’s coalition government, has expressed her support for Palestine and criticized the Israeli⁢ occupation on social media.

On Monday, she urged⁢ Spain ‌to bring Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the International Criminal Court‍ for war crimes.

Irene Montero, Spain’s equality minister, echoed this call,⁣ mentioning a similar appeal made in the case of a Spanish aid worker who was killed in the⁣ war ​in Ukraine a few weeks ⁤ago.

Montero has also used social media ⁤to‌ state, “Violations of international criminal law and war crimes ‌must not go ⁢unpunished. ​Defending peace and‌ human rights is the most urgent task today.”

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