Slack revamps app to address increasing complexity

Slack revamps app to address increasing complexity

Slack has added a range of new features to its collaboration app since its last redesign three years ago. And while ⁤these features — ⁤such as Huddles voice ​and video‌ calls, Canvas documents,‍ and Connect channels — ⁢have added functionality for⁣ users,​ the app has become somewhat cluttered,‌ with ​a growing list of tabs along the left-hand ‍sidebar.

With that complexity‌ in mind, Slack has again revamped its software to simplify the user experience ⁢across the desktop, ⁣mobile and web versions. The changes⁢ will begin rolling out to users today.

“We made a lot of these updates ⁣rooted in what we’ve been hearing from‌ users, whether it’s Enterprise Grid customers wanting a single unified view⁣ into all of‌ their‌ workspaces and channels, or users ⁤wanting the ability to focus more,” said Brad Monroe, ‌product management director ​at Slack. “And ⁤we’ve made all of these with our core mission in mind: to make people’s working lives simpler, more pleasant, and more⁣ productive.”

The ‌UX update will help users ⁣“focus a bit more on things that⁢ actually require their attention, rather than having to hop into an active channel quickly to see if you’re needed or not,” said Will ‍McKeon-White, a Forrester analyst covering unified communications. “Slack’s been adding on features routinely for a few years, without a redesign of the core platform. This most‌ recent update is​ focused on bringing all of ⁣these features into a single place that’s a bit easier ⁤for humans⁣ to parse.”

‌ Slack

Slack is​ giving ‍its popular collaboration app a ⁤new Home screen.

The new Home view‍ provides access to messages and‍ channels; the main change is aimed at customers on Slack’s Enterprise Grid, who can view all of their messages from one place⁤ without having to jump between workspaces. To help avoid message overload, Enterprise Grid users ‍can filter which messages are available to them.

Slack has also reorganized existing tabs into⁣ what it calls “dedicated views.” ​For most users this means three icons on the sidebar. The DM view, as expected, ⁢hosts​ a user’s direct messages. Activity provides an overview of⁤ notifications such as @mentions, thread replies, reactions, and more.  And ⁢the Later view ⁢contains​ messages and action items that ⁣users want to deal with at ​another time.

Customers paying for Slack’s Sales Elevate software, announced last week, can access sales ⁣information in another “dedicated view” ⁢tab placed underneath Later. Other tabs, such as Canvases and Files, will be ⁤kept in the More⁢ tab.

Although it’s not currently possible to customize the ‍dedicated view sidebar, that’s likely to change in upcomingupdates. “A lot of this [redesign] ‌ is ‌planting the seed for future customization,” said⁢ Monroe. This could mean that‌ regular Canvas users will be able to place a ​tab shortcut on the sidebar for quick access, for instance. “You can see⁤ how we’re laying a lot of the foundation for that,” he ​said.

“It’s important…

2023-08-09 16:00:03
Article from rnrn

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