Senators criticize Republican congressman for using profanity towards young pages

Senators criticize Republican congressman for using profanity towards young pages

A freshman Republican congressman from Wisconsin yelled and cursed at high⁤ school-aged Senate pages during a late-night tour of the Capitol this week, eliciting a⁣ bipartisan rebuke from Senate leaders.

Derrick ⁤Van Orden, who represents ‍western⁤ Wisconsin’s third district, used a profanity to describe ⁤the young pages as ​lazy and another to order ⁣them off the floor of the Capitol Rotunda on Wednesday night, according to PunchBowl News. The pages were⁣ lying down to take photos,⁤ according to the publication.

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In a statement responding to the report, Van Orden doubled down.

“I have ‌long said our nation’s ‌Capitol is a symbol of the sacrifice our servicemen and women have made for this country and should never be treated like ​a frat‍ house common room,” Van Orden said.

“Threatening a congressman with bad press to excuse ⁤poor behavior is⁢ a reminder of everything ⁤that’s wrong with Washington.‍ Luckily, bad‍ press has never bothered me and if it’s the price I‌ pay to stand up for what’s right, then so be⁤ it.”

Van ⁢Orden, a former Navy Seal who was outside‍ the Capitol during the January⁢ 6 riot, also appeared to embrace ⁤the presence of alcohol in his office the same evening after images were posted on social media ⁣showing bottles of liquor and beer cans on a desk. Van Orden said the ‍alcohol was from constituents.

His ⁣spokeswoman, Anna Kelly, said: “As the congressman says, once you cross the threshold to our office, you⁢ are in⁢ Wisconsin!” She added a beer mug emoji.

On Thursday, just before the Senate ⁣left for its August recess, the majority leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, and the Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, rebuked Van Orden and thanked the pages,​ high school-age students who serve as helpers and messengers.‍ Several were sitting on the Senate‍ floor at the ⁤time, smiling‍ and nodding‌ as dozens of senators gave​ them ‍a⁢ standing ovation.

Without mentioning Van Orden, Schumer said he was “shocked” to hear about the behavior of a⁤ member of the House Republican majority and “further shocked at his refusal to apologize to these young people”. He‍ noted that Thursday⁢ was the final day for ‌this class⁤ of pages.

“They’re here when​ we need‌ them,” Schumer said. “And they have served this institution with grace.”

McConnell said ⁢he associated himself with Schumer’s ‌words.

“Everybody on ​this ‌side of the aisle feels exactly the same way,” he said.

Van Orden was elected in‌ 2022 after a‌ losing ⁤bid in 2020. He has insisted he did not enter the ‌Capitol on ⁢6 January‍ 2021.⁤ That did‍ not stop a fellow Wisconsin representative, Mark Pocan, a Democrat, from invoking the attack in criticizing Van‍ Orden. Pocan said the Capitol ⁣should be respected.

“Wonder if he told that to⁣ his ‌fellow insurrectionists, who were beating police ⁢officers⁣ on the ‌same ground?” Pocan ⁤said.

Rebecca Cooke, a Democrat running⁣ to ⁤challenge Van Orden in 2024, called him an…

2023-07-28 12:47:57
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