Self-assembled colloidal collectives of active matter systems inspired by biology

Self-assembled colloidal collectives of active matter systems inspired by biology

Active matter⁤ systems exhibit ‍unique behaviors, such as collective self-assembly‌ structures and ‌collective migration. However, it is challenging to achieve collective entities in spaces without wall-adhered support, in order to enable three-dimensional locomotion without dispersion.

In​ a recent study published in Science Advances, ‌Mengmeng Sun and a research team⁣ in mechanical engineering and physical intelligence from China and Germany were inspired by the⁤ migration mechanisms of plankton. They proposed‍ a bimodal actuation strategy that combines magnetic and ⁣optical fields.

The magnetic‌ field triggers the self-assembly of magnetic colloidal particles, maintaining numerous colloids as a dynamically stable entity. On the other hand,‌ the optical fields allow the colloidal collectives to generate⁣ convective flow through photothermal effects, enabling three-dimensional drifting. These collectives demonstrate underwater locomotion, ‍providing insights into the design of smart ⁤devices and intelligent materials ‌for synthetic active matter that ​can regulate collective movement in three-dimensional ‌space.

Active living matter is⁢ abundant in nature, with self-assembled collectives capable ‍of accomplishing⁤ complex tasks that ​surpass individual capabilities, such as bird flocks and colonies of‍ bacteria.

By drawing‌ inspiration from natural⁤ collectives, colloids can be ⁤examined as building blocks for materials, similar to atoms ‌forming the building blocks ‍of molecules and crystals. Colloidal self-assembly can be studied as a method to fabricate nanostructures with technical implications ‌in nanoscale electronics, energy conversion or storage, drug delivery, and ⁣catalysts.

2023-11-24 03:41:03
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