Humans Can Correctly Guess the Meaning of Chimp Gestures

Humans Can Correctly Guess the Meaning of Chimp Gestures

chimpanzees gestures

A recent study has found that humans can correctly guess the meaning of chimpanzee gestures. This offers further evidence of the increased cognitive development and language skills that our species share with our closest relatives, the chimpanzees.

How the Study Worked

Researchers from the University of York studied the gestures used among wild chimpanzees. They observed over 10,000 gestures from different chimpanzee communities in the forests of Guinea, West Africa. After analyzing the gestures and the results of their study, the researchers found that humans were able to accurately identify the meaning of the chimp’s gestures more often than not.

Why is this Important?

This study has provided insight into the similarities that humans and chimpanzees share when it comes to their ability to use gesture as a form of communication. This is important because it shows that nonverbal communication is an important part of our shared evolutionary history.

The study has also revealed something interesting about the way that chimpanzees communicate. It seems that chimpanzees use context-sensitive gestures, meaning that the same gesture can have different meanings depending on the context. This is something that humans are able to do as well, demonstrating that this form of communication is likely part of our shared evolutionary history.

Benefits of Human Communication with Chimp

Being able to understand the gestures of chimpanzees could have a number of benefits. For example, it could help to bridge the communication gap between humans and chimpanzees, which could in turn allow us to gain a better understanding of the behaviors and emotions of our closest genetic relatives.

Additionally, it could be beneficial in terms of improving animal welfare. If we are able to better understand the behavior of chimpanzees and other animals, we can use that knowledge to create more humane and effective conservation and research practices.


This study has shown that humans are capable of correctly understanding the meaning of chimpanzee gestures. This is an important discovery, as it further reveals the similarities between humans and chimpanzees and offers valuable insight into the evolution of communication. Additionally, it could provide benefits in terms of improving animal welfare and our understanding of chimpanzees. Humans are known for their impressive communication skills. We have been able to develop and use various verbal and nonverbal communication methods to help us effectively communicate with others. However, it appears that humans go beyond terms of communication that are specific to our species. Recent research shows that humans are capable of understanding the gestures of chimpanzees.

In a recent study published in the journal PLOS Biology, researchers from the University of Birmingham and the University of Roehampton tested the ability of humans to understand the gestures used by chimpanzees in a controlled laboratory setting. The study participants were exposed to chimpanzees making a variety of gestures, including a beckoning gesture or a contact-eliciting gesture.

The study revealed that humans were able to correctly understand the meaning of the chimpanzee gestures in over 70% of the cases. This suggests that even though chimpanzees do not have the same language as humans, there is a shared understanding between the two species when it comes to basic communication.

The researchers speculate that this shared understanding could be due to the shared evolutionary history of the two species. Human and chimpanzees are thought to share a common ancestor and it is possible that some of the same communication patterns have been developed and maintained over the years.

In addition to providing a better understanding of how human evolved communication skills, this research could also be used to help improve the well-being of chimpanzees in captivity. By understanding the meanings of the gestures they use to communicate, caregivers could better respond to the needs and desires of their chimpanzee charges.

The research is providing us with a new perspective on the relationship between humans and the animals we share the planet with. It is clear that communication is far more complex than previously believed and that we can learn a great deal from the communication styles of other species.

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