School-board battles are slipping away from anti-woke activists

School-board battles are slipping away from anti-woke activists

Anti-woke activists are losing many of their school-board battles

Two years ago it seemed that​ a conservative movement against “wokeness” was taking ⁣over America’s schools. ⁤Seen by many on the right as ⁤an insidious liberal outlook emphasising ​race, gender and sexuality, wokeness has many guises: among them critical race theory (CRT),‌ gender theory and queer theory. According⁣ to its opponents, it all⁣ amounts to the same ⁢thing, it is thriving in schools and it has‍ to⁢ go.

Activists set ‍out to uproot it, and quickly made their mark. ⁢Moms for Liberty, a ‍conservative group founded in 2021 that⁣ opposes CRT and other supposedly progressive policies in schools, says that in ‍2022 over half its candidates won their school-board ​elections. Other anti-woke groups claimed success, ‍too. But is⁤ their momentum waning? Tiffany Justice, co-founder ⁣of Moms for Liberty, says that ​its candidates won 43% of its elections this​ year. News⁤ outlets reported ⁣that the movement was losing steam.

The reality is not so simple.‍ An analysis by ‍the Wall Street Journal of the November 2023 school-board ⁢elections found that ‍the group exaggerated its success, winning about one-third of its​ elections. The Moms also seem to have been weakening before⁣ last month’s elections. A separate analysis by The Economist shows that ‌less ‌than one-third of the group’s endorsed candidates won their elections in spring 2023.

2023-12-09 08:34:09
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