Samsung’s Android 14 achievement: 3 challenging inquiries

Samsung’s Android 14 achievement: 3 challenging inquiries

Well, ⁤my friends, hell has officially frozen over.

Samsung, the company traditionally associated⁤ with slow and unpredictable Android software updates, has started sending out the latest and greatest Android version to owners of its current-gen Galaxy S23 flagship phone.

Make no mistake about it: This is quite‌ an accomplishment⁢ — and quite ​a milestone not only for Samsung but‌ for‌ Android device-makers in general. For context, this ⁣has Galaxy ⁣S23 owners in the respectable position of receiving Android 14 ‍roughly four weeks after⁢ the software’s release. Last year, it ‌took Samsung nearly three months to get the ​current Android version⁤ out to​ folks who ‍shelled out top-dollar ⁣for its top-tier phone models. And it was among the least embarrassing performers‍ across the‌ ecosystem for that cycle.

But⁣ while ⁤the company showing some hustle and serving its highest-paying customers well is certainly something to celebrate, for ​anyone ‍who watches Android⁤ closely (and has been watching it for a while — hi there!), the story isn’t so⁣ simple.

Here, then, are three tough but fair ⁢and ⁣incredibly⁤ important questions about Samsung’s Android 14 adventures — things we should all be thinking about‌ in the weeks ahead to put this in proper perspective.

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Samsung Android 14 question #1: When will this‍ upgrade actually reach everyone?

First and foremost,​ it’s critical ⁢to consider that in cases like Samsung’s, a⁤ company “starting” an Android upgrade is often a small-scale phenomenon limited only to certain parts of the world.

In the past,⁣ we’ve seen certain former⁣ phone-makers​ get ‍sneaky with this and use it to their advantage — starting what’s ​essentially a test rollout in a⁤ random place like Lithuania and then putting out a big honkin’ press release touting ‌that they were the “FIRST!” to the finish line. Perhaps predictably, that ends up‍ getting them‍ lots of positive⁣ coverage⁣ and little in the way of⁤ critical eyebrow-raising.

Samsung’s tactics aren’t anything that‌ extreme, thankfully, but as of ⁢this moment, the ⁣Galaxy⁢ S23’s⁣ Android 14 ⁤rollout is limited ‍to the UK and parts of Europe. The US — where Android Intelligence is based and which we use as the consistent basis for our annual Android Upgrade Report Card analyses — is notably not included in this current rollout as of ⁤yet, ​and Samsung has often started⁤ its US upgrades a fair bit⁤ later​ than their international counterparts.

An ⁢”upgrade” is not always an upgrade ​everywhere, ​in other words — and​ as‌ of now, Samsung says only that the software ⁤should start to reach Galaxy S23 ​owners in America sometime “soon.”

Samsung Android 14 question #2: What⁢ about the rest of the Galaxy?

Most mainstream coverage of Android upgrades focuses mostly on the first rollout to ‌a company’s most recent flagship product. That’s why every year, we see breathless hype…

2023-11-01 18:41:02
Article from rnrn

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