Russian Language Translation Confirmed for The Wolf Among Us 2

Russian Language Translation Confirmed for The Wolf Among Us 2

The ‍highly anticipated sequel to​ The Wolf Among Us, one of Telltale Games’ best titles, will now have a Russian translation. This information was revealed through ‍an update on the game’s page‍ on the⁣ Epic Games Store. The voiceover will remain in English, while the interface and subtitles will be‌ translated into nine languages, ⁣including⁢ Russian.

Similar to its predecessor, The Wolf Among Us 2‌ will be released as ⁢an episodic ‍game. However, unlike‌ previous Telltale ⁣games, all⁢ episodes ‌are being‍ <a href="” title=”Russian Language Translation Confirmed for The Wolf Among Us 2″>developed simultaneously. This means that when the first episode is released, the rest will already be completed. Unfortunately, the ⁢game’s release has been‌ postponed to 2024, as announced in early March of this year.

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