Rights researcher Patrick Zaki sentenced to 3 years in Egyptian jail, according to NGO

Rights researcher Patrick Zaki sentenced to 3 years in Egyptian jail, according to NGO

An Egyptian court has⁢ sentenced⁤ Patrick⁣ Zaki, ⁤a ​rights researcher who had ⁢been studying in ‍Italy ⁣and‌ was accused of spreading ‍false⁣ news, to three‍ years‍ in jail, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal ‌Rights (EIPR)‍ said.

Human rights activist Hossam⁢ Bahgat, who runs the ⁢EIPR⁤ where Zaki worked, ⁣said no appeal⁢ is ‍possible against the ‍conviction over an article he wrote about⁣ religious‌ freedom.

“He has been arrested now and ⁣is ⁢being ​transferred to jail,” ‌Bahgat said.

Zaki, 30, previously‍ spent 22 ⁣months in pre-trial detention until ⁤December 2021,​ and was⁢ again taken into custody on​ Tuesday after the⁤ court ruling in Mansoura, ⁤130km⁤ (80 miles)⁢ north⁣ of Cairo.

His ⁢2020 article ‌recounted his experiences‍ of discrimination as‌ a member of the​ country’s ​Coptic Christian minority, ‌who ⁣make⁣ up about ⁣10-15 percent of Egypt’s 105 ‍million ​people.

The drawn-out​ case ⁤has‌ triggered international ‍condemnation, ⁤particularly in ⁣Italy ‍where Zaki was studying ‍at⁤ the University of Bologna. He ⁤was‍ arrested in 2020, ‍while returning ⁣to​ visit ⁣family, under charges of ‌“spreading false news“, “harming ⁢national security”​ and​ “incitement to overthrow the state”, among others.

Article‍ from www.aljazeera.com

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