Revolutionize Your Production Process with Palworld’s Innovative Pal Trick

Revolutionize Your Production Process with Palworld’s Innovative Pal Trick

Discover the intricacies of the complex Palworld and how to optimize production​ with Anubis, the fastest‌ Pal⁢ with the highest Handiwork Skill in the‍ game. As you progress through‍ the‌ game, Pal​ Spheres become essential for ‍capturing the best Pals, while Production Assembly Lines keep⁢ key resources well-stocked and passively produced at base.

However, ⁣as⁣ the ⁢number of tasks increases, the ⁣availability of Pals decreases, leading to potential⁤ bottlenecks in production. Anubis, with a base Work Speed of 70, is⁤ the ​ultimate solution ⁢to quickly resolve any bottleneck ⁣and ensure efficient item production.

Throwing Anubis at the workbench​ unleashes its incredible speed, reducing the time needed for ⁣item ⁢production and providing instant build mode for ​most ​items. Additionally, the‌ Enhance Pals function ⁣at ‌the Statue ⁣of Power allows for further upgrades to Anubis, enhancing⁢ its work speed and overall performance.

Don’t miss ⁣out ‌on⁢ maximizing production efficiency⁤ in⁤ Palworld with Anubis, the game-changing Pal ⁣that can create anything in ‌mere seconds and clear up production bottlenecks.

2024-02-14 18:41:03
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