Revealing the Local Atomic Structure of Zeolite through Optimal Bright-Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Revealing the Local Atomic Structure of Zeolite through Optimal Bright-Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Zeolites have unique porous atomic structures and are⁤ useful as catalysts, ion‍ exchangers, and molecular‌ sieves. It is challenging to directly observe the⁣ local ⁣atomic structures of the material via electron microscopy due to low electron irradiation resistance. As a result, the fundamental property-structure relationships ​of the constructs ⁤remain unclear.

Recent developments⁢ of a low-electron dose imaging method known as ​optimum bright-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (OBF STEM) offer a⁤ method to reconstruct​ images with a high ⁤signal-to-noise ratio with high dose efficiency.

In this study, Kousuke Ooe and a ‌team of scientists in ‍engineering and nanoscience at​ the University of Tokyo and the Japan Fine Ceramics Center performed low-dose atomic⁣ resolution observations with the method to visualize atomic sites and their frameworks between two types of zeolites. The scientists observed the complex atomic structure‍ of the twin-boundaries in a faujasite-type (FAU) zeolite ⁢to facilitate the characterization of⁢ local atomic structures across⁢ many electron beam-sensitive materials.

Zeolites are porous⁢ materials that are regularly arranged in nanosized ⁣pores suited for a variety of applications during catalysis, gas separation, and ‌ion exchange. The​ material properties are closely related to the pore‌ geometry ⁢allowing subsequent interactions⁣ with adsorbed guest molecules and ions. Researchers have thus far⁤ used diffractometric methods to analyze the structure of zeolites.

For example, ​materials scientists have demonstrated scanning ‌electron ​microscopy to be a powerful method to analyze ​local⁢ structures to⁣ observe the ⁤atomic arrangement‌ of electron-resistant materials at the sub-angstrom level. Zeolites are, however, more electron-beam ‌sensitive when compared⁣ to other organic materials, thereby limiting electron microscopy-based observations due to electron irradiation.

2023-08-14 ‌14:48:03
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