Retraction of a Controversial Room-Temperature Superconductor Discovery

Retraction of a Controversial Room-Temperature Superconductor Discovery

A‍ stunning ​claim of a room-temperature superconductor that grabbed headlines has fizzled. The paper was retracted November 7 from the ‍journal Nature, making ​for ⁤a trio of high-profile retractions for‍ physicist Ranga‍ Dias of the ⁤University of⁤ Rochester.
“It was about time,” says theoretical physicist⁤ Lilia Boeri of the Sapienza University of Rome.
In March, Dias and ‍colleagues reported in Nature that a compound⁢ of⁢ lutetium, hydrogen ⁤and nitrogen was⁤ a superconductor ⁣at room temperature (SN: 3/7/23). The practical use of most superconductors is ​limited by ‍the need to cool ⁣them to low temperatures, or squeeze them to extremely high pressures.⁤ Dias’⁤ claimed material required neither of these⁤ conditions, ​a feat that ‍could have revolutionary implications for‍ electronics if ‌correct.
Eight‌ of the⁣ paper’s‍ 11 coauthors requested the retraction, stating that “the published paper does not accurately reflect the ⁤provenance of the investigated materials,⁣ the experimental measurements undertaken and the data-processing protocols applied.”

2023-11-07 17:06:26
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