Report finds above-average injury rates among SpaceX workers due to Musk’s focus on Mars over safety

Report finds above-average injury rates among SpaceX workers due to Musk’s focus on Mars over safety

A recent investigation by Reuters ‍has‌ revealed that SpaceX has experienced over 600 injuries since 2014, which were not publicly reported until ⁢now. Current and former employees, mentioned in the report, attribute these unsafe working conditions to CEO Elon Musk’s‌ aggressive deadlines and aversion to bureaucracy. They claim that Musk’s ​goal of expedited human colonization of Mars has led the​ company to compromise safety protocols and take shortcuts.

According to Reuters, injury rates at certain SpaceX facilities ⁣are significantly higher than the industry average of 0.8 injuries or​ illnesses per 100 workers. For instance, the injury rate ⁤at the Brownsville, Texas location in 2022 ‌was 4.8 per 100 workers, while at⁢ the Hawthorne, California manufacturing facility⁣ it was 1.8.⁣ In McGregor, Texas, where rocket tests are conducted, the injury​ rate was 2.7.

Employees have suffered various injuries, including broken bones,⁣ lacerations, crushed fingers, burns, electric shocks, and severe head​ wounds. One incident in ⁢2021 resulted in the blindness of Brownsville worker Florentino Rios.

2023-11-11 17:42:35
Link from⁢ rnrn

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