Queensland Inquest Reveals Missed Opportunity for Police and Salvation Army to Aid Partner of Missing Bikie, Now Feared Deceased

Queensland Inquest Reveals Missed Opportunity for Police and Salvation Army to Aid Partner of Missing Bikie, Now Feared Deceased

Police and a rehabilitation⁤ facility⁢ had opportunities to ⁢support a ⁤woman who feared for ⁣her ⁣safety​ at the hands of her bikie boyfriend‌ but did not take⁣ action, a coroner has been told.

Tina ‌Greer went to visit Lesley “Grumpy”⁢ Sharman on his ​Gold Coast hinterland property in January 2012 ⁢after telling others the relationship was over.

The then 32-year-old⁣ – who had left her daughter with a friend –⁢ never ‌returned.

Days later Greer’s car was found ⁢at the Governors Chair lookout at ⁤Spicers Gap ⁤– a dead end road passing ⁣Sharman’s house.

Her body has never been found.

Sharman was a ‌person of interest in the case but was never arrested and died in​ a ⁢car crash in​ late 2018.

An​ inquest hearing into Greer’s ‍likely death ended on Friday after 25 witnesses testified.

There is sufficient evidence‌ to find ⁤Greer was‍ killed by Sharman on or about‌ 18 January, 2012,⁣ the day she went⁤ missing, counsel assisting Stephanie⁤ Williams told ⁢the ‌coroners court in Brisbane on Friday.

Evidence included the history of ⁢severe physical violence and⁤ control Sharman perpetrated against Greer and that she had moved​ away from him into her own accommodation with daughter Lili, then aged 13.

In the days after Greer ‍went missing Sharman uncharacteristically switched off his mobile phone and made denials to police about the nature of their relationship.

Williams submitted that there is‌ insufficient evidence to find where Greer died‍ or what caused her death.

“That lack of evidence can be attributed to Les​ Sharman’s ability to⁢ conceal evidence ⁢and‌ or conduct criminal activity in an undetected way.”

The inquest​ heard of police⁤ speaking to the pair after ⁢incidents of violence against Greer but not providing support or referrals ‌to services, Williams said.

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In June 2010, when it was reported that ‍Sharman held a gun to Greer’s head, police had an opportunity to investigate any firearms in his possession.

But that did not occur, even though he was a known bikie member with a⁣ history of discharging and ‍carrying weapons, she told the coroner.

Williams said an‌ officer’s explanation that a⁣ search did⁢ not occur‍ because it was likely Sharman would have hidden any weapons was nonsensical and a failure to investigate ⁢a known criminal offence.

When Greer disappeared the police response was prompt and extensive, ‌with her immediately regarded as‌ a high-risk missing person, Williams told the court.

The counsel assisting submitted Salvation Army​ staff at Fairhaven’s Gold Coast rehabilitation centre, where Greer was admitted in 2011, responded⁢ inadequately to disclosures ⁢about being in ‌an abusive relationship.

Case notes refer to her not having skills or self-confidence ‍to break away but there ‌is nothing to indicate ⁢she was offered domestic violence counselling or referred to‌ services.

Regarding a⁣ staff member noting ​she wanted to see Greer…

2023-09-21 23:37:33
Link from www.theguardian.com

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