Prominent Senator Bob Menendez Confronts Bribery Charges

Prominent Senator Bob Menendez Confronts Bribery Charges

Bob Menendez, a prominent senator, ​faces bribery charges

When‍ FBI agents searched the home of Bob ‍Menendez, New ⁣Jersey’s senior senator, in June last year, they found $100,000‍ in gold bars and $480,000 in hidden cash. Some of⁢ the money, stuffed in envelopes, was ‌hidden in clothes, including ⁢jackets with Mr Menendez’s name stitched into them that were hanging ⁣in his wardrobe.

The ⁣details of the search are laid out ‍in an astonishing indictment unsealed on September 22nd. Mr Menendez, who has⁣ resigned as the chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, and​ his wife, Nadine, ‌are​ accused of a multitude of​ misdeeds, not least of which is sharing sensitive information with Egyptian officials. They also allegedly accepted gifts of the gold bars in exchange for ⁢protecting associates.

The three-count indictment also asserts that Mr and Mrs Menendez accepted ‌hundreds of⁤ thousands of dollars in bribes‌ from three New Jersey businessmen,‍ who were‍ also charged. The bribes the ‌couple are ​accused of taking‍ include home mortgage payments, compensation for a “low⁤ or no-show job”, home furnishings and⁤ a Mercedes-Benz. Mr Menendez denies any wrongdoing. He said the prosecutors are making “false claims” against him and his wife. He asserts that the federal prosecutors have “misrepresented the normal work of a congressional office”.

2023-09-22 17:08:53
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