Prepare Yourself, Chiori Could Be Just as Formidable as Dehya in Genshin Impact 4.5!

Prepare Yourself, Chiori Could Be Just as Formidable as Dehya in Genshin Impact 4.5!

Exciting new leaks ⁣about​ the upcoming Genshin Impact⁤ 4.5 update suggest that Chiori, the Geo character, may⁢ not ‍be⁣ as promising as ​initially hoped. ‍Chiori, ​who was previously introduced as an NPC, is set⁢ to become a ​playable character in the upcoming version. However, leaks indicate that her gameplay kit may not be as impressive as fans had anticipated.

One concerning detail from the leaks is the ⁤possibility that Chiori will be a double-scaler, relying on both ATK​ and DEF to determine the effectiveness of her abilities. ⁢This could pose a challenge⁣ for players in terms‌ of optimizing her‌ stats and building her character effectively.

Similar issues were encountered with the⁣ character Dehya, who also suffered from⁤ double⁤ scaling, making ⁢it difficult for⁣ players ⁤to maximize her potential.⁢ The randomization of drops in Genshin Impact already makes obtaining the best stats for characters challenging, and ⁤the addition of double scaling⁢ could further‌ complicate ⁣this⁤ process.

While there ⁢are ⁢no other significant rumors about Chiori’s abilities, ⁢the leaks about her potential⁢ double scaling ‍are cause for concern. It’s‌ important to remember that rumors⁢ are subject to change,‍ and ​Chiori’s ⁢final release in ​Genshin Impact may differ from ​what​ has been reported.

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