Possible rewrite: Potential Existence of China’s Third Exascale Supercomputer Raises Speculation on Concealed Capabilities

Possible rewrite: Potential Existence of China’s Third Exascale Supercomputer Raises Speculation on Concealed Capabilities

Representative image for data computing.
AFP / Philippe HUGUEN


China’s ‍exascale supercomputers may have higher peak performance than⁣ others: Jack DongarraBeijing has raised R&D ⁤spending on supercomputers “in pursuit of major breakthroughs.” NYU’s Winston ⁢MaSupercomputing⁣ + AI can ⁣deliver breakthroughs in healthcare and ⁢military for China: ‍University of Maryland’s Michael Pecht

China​ could have already⁣ built three exascale supercomputers. That may sound⁣ innocuous, ⁤but ⁢in the rarefied world ⁣of supercomputing, that is a big deal. More ⁣so ⁤because Beijing’s computer scientists⁣ could have achieved the feat despite Washington’s tough ⁣restrictions on transfer of ‍advanced technology that​ China could ⁢use‌ to gain a military edge over the United States.

But first what⁣ is an‍ exascale computer? ⁤Consulting firm McKinsey ​& Co calls exascale ⁤”the next ⁢milestone​ in computing” in​ a‍ report.

Computer ⁢performance is measured in FLOPS, or floating-point operations per second. The first supercomputer, which was developed in 1964,‌ could run 3,000,000 ​FLOPS, i.e., 3 megaFLOPS. Exa means 18 zeros, ⁣meaning 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 FLOPS. An exascale computer can⁤ perform that many operations — something that is almost impossible to imagine.

Now, there is ​a huge advantage to ⁢commanding ​that kind of⁣ computing⁣ power in today’s world. Here is what ⁤the same McKinsey report says: “Exascale​ computing could allow scientists to solve problems that have until now been impossible.‌ With exascale, exponential increases⁤ in memory, storage, and compute‍ power​ may‌ drive breakthroughs in several industries: energy production, storage, transmission, materials science,‌ heavy industry, chemical ⁢design, AI and machine learning, cancer ‌research ⁢and treatment, earthquake risk assessment, and ‍many more.”

Put simply, China now‌ may have the computing power at its disposal‌ to⁢ match, or ​even ‌overtake, technology leaders ‌like the United States ​in several areas that could ⁤be ⁢key to‌ becoming the dominant economic⁢ and military power in ‍the world. ​China could also pair its advances in artificial intelligence with this mind-boggling computering power ​and achieve technological and military dominance quite quickly.

And that could be why experts ‌think China may be deliberately concealing ​the capabilities of its supercomputers, which could already have‌ achieved superior performance to those built by‌ the U.S.

Jack ⁢Dongarra, a Turing laureate and ‍co-founder ⁢of the TOP500 supercomputer list, revealed in a recent interview that China’s exascale computers may have a higher peak performance than supercomputers ‌in other countries.

“It’s a well known situation that China has these supercomputers, and they have ‌been operating for a‍ while. They have not ⁣run the‌ benchmarks, but [the community has] a general idea of their architectures and capabilities based​ on research papers published to describe the science coming out of those machines.”

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Dongarra made the comments after returning to the United States from a workshop on exascale computing software and algorithms in Beijing. The three ‍next-gen supercomputers‌ China has ⁤built are ‍not on the TOP500⁣ list, which is recognized⁢ as the most influential supercomputer systems ranking, ⁤but “China is ⁤still the⁤ country which ‍produces the most ‍supercomputers,” Donggara said.

The supercomputer community has “long​ thought”‍ that work on a third Chinese exascale ⁣supercomputer, being developed by ⁣China’s Sugon, was halted indefinitely due ‌to⁤ Washington’s ‌sanctions, per Tom’s Hardware.⁤ Sugon was among the Chinese companies blacklisted by the Trump administration in 2019.

The blacklisting made Sugon lose access‍ to Hygon CPUs,⁣ which run on processors based on California-based semiconductor company AMD’s Zen design. It is now unclear which‌ specific processors Sugon is⁢ using for its supercomputers.

Two years ⁢later, Intel was‍ also banned from ⁤selling chips that would have helped ‍upgrade one of its two known Chinese supercomputers — the Tianhe-2 by China’s ‍National University of Defense Technology, which surpassed the U.S.’s Oak Ridge National⁣ Lab-made⁤ Titan in 2013. The other Chinese ‍supercomputer is called Sunway ⁢OceanLight, developed by the National Supercomputing Center ⁣in Wuxi.

It is “very likely” that China’s supercomputers exceed ⁢the performance ⁢of computers in other ⁢countries, Michael Pecht, professor of Applied Mathematics and director of ‌the University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Life⁢ Cycle Engineering ‍(CALCE), told International Business Times. Building supercomputers ⁤doesn’t⁣ depend solely “on the latest and greatest chip” after all, he pointed out.

David Kahaner, director of⁤ the Asian Technology Information Program, said last year ⁢that China was looking to have 10 ⁣exascale supercomputers ⁣by 2025. While it is unclear how far China has advanced⁤ in its goal, Winston Ma, adjunct professor at NYU’s Law ​School on sovereign wealth​ funds and author ​of “The Digital War – How China’s Tech Power Shapes the Future of AI, Blockchain and⁢ Cyberspace,” ​told IBT that the Chinese government has consistently increased R&D⁤ spending on supercomputers “in ​pursuit of major breakthroughs.”

“In the new ‍digital economy where⁢ the computing power fuels all activities ⁣like the oil of the‍ past, supercomputer is at the frontier of U.S.-China tech rivalry,⁢ because to out-compete is to out-compute,” Ma noted.

One‍ hundred and fifty U.S.​ supercomputers made ⁢it to ⁣the latest edition of the TOP500 list, up from 126⁣ last year; there were⁤ only 134​ Chinese supercomputers this year compared to 162 in⁢ 2022.

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Oak Ridge’s Frontier supercomputer topped the ⁤list in the ⁤rankings while China’s ‌Sunway TaihuLight – the predecessor of OceanLight – ⁤was in⁣ seventh place. Some experts‍ noted that​ China may be deliberately keeping ⁢mum about its high-end supercomputers even if it has machines that rival or exceed those in the⁤ U.S to avoid unwanted attention from Washington.

Despite the U.S. curbs, China’s ​ability to “reverse engineer” semiconductor manufacturing equipment should ⁣not be taken out of the equation, Pecht ⁢said, explaining⁤ how China could ‌be winning the race.

Meanwhile, a major concern about China’s supercomputer capacity is about the⁣ rapid advances it is making in​ artificial intelligence. “AI applications that require large datasets and​ training will allow one⁢ model to simulate a wide range of situations, processes and systems,” such as in ‌health and the military, Pecht said. China already‌ beats the⁢ U.S. in‌ AI research papers – both in ⁢quantity and quality, Japan’s Nikkei​ said in a January​ report.

Ma echoed those sentiments, saying Beijing’s supercomputing power will “significantly help China to develop AI/machine learning capabilities.” With AI’s ability to learn⁢ from large⁤ datasets paired with massive ‍computer power, Beijing may find it ‌easier to tackle

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