Poland’s October Vote Overshadowed by Prevalent Anti-Migrant Discourse in Politics

Poland’s October Vote Overshadowed by Prevalent Anti-Migrant Discourse in Politics

Warsaw, Poland – Dressed ​in a sharp suit, Rafal Pankowski, the ‌amicable head of Never Again, a renowned Polish anti-racism organisation, delicately sips an⁤ Arabic coffee in the bustling centre ⁤of Poland’s​ capital, Warsaw.

The city is gripped in political fervour ‌as Poland heads into a general election on⁢ October 15. Colourful political ⁢posters⁤ line the ‍streets, and campaigners ⁢thrust leaflets at pedestrians enjoying the last throws of ​warm⁣ weather.

There is ‌“no doubt” ⁣that⁢ migration ‌is the topic dominating the election ⁢campaigns, Pankowski⁢ says firmly.

The right-wing⁣ populist government ‍elected to ⁣power in the 2015 ⁣elections⁤ exploited the refugee ‌crises to⁣ promote a relentless campaign of “xenophobic propaganda” that painted non-European refugees ​and migrants,‍ especially from the Middle East, as “terrorists”,​ Pankowski had previously told Al Jazeera.

Recalling⁣ his earlier statement, he says it comes as little surprise that ‍the ruling ‍Law and Justice (PiS) party and the far-right Confederation⁤ alliance have continued to push this narrative⁤ during the current election campaign to garner ⁣support among their‌ existing voter⁢ base.

Link from www.aljazeera.com

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