Pokemon Anime Fan Points Out Bizarre Time Paradox With Ash, Professor Oak, and Pikachu

Pokemon Anime Fan Points Out Bizarre Time Paradox With Ash, Professor Oak, and Pikachu

Ash’s adventures in the Pokemon anime may be coming to an end, but one fan is still baffled over a certain time paradox involving Ash, Pikachu, and Professor Oak. This particular conundrum first appeared in a 20-year-old movie, but its lasting implications still puzzle Pokemon fans to this day.

Pokemon fan and content creator Duwiol recently shared his befuddlement on TikTok. During the video, he explained the time paradox: in the 2001 film, Pokemon 4Ever – Celebi: Voice of the Forest, some time-traveling shenanigans cause Ash and Pikachu to meet a young Pokemon trainer named Sam. Together, the three save Celebi, the legendary time-traveling Pokemon.

However, near the end of Celebi: Voice of the Forest, it is revealed Sam is none other than Samuel Oak–the very same Pokemon Professor who gave Pikachu to Ash in the first place. Professor Oak is also aware of the fact that these two Ashes are the same person, and thus made the active decision to catch Pikachu, invite Ash along with three other children to get starter Pokemon, and ensure the two were united. Duwiol was left to puzzle over the time loop that ensued from Oak giving Pikachu to Ash at his Pokemon lab because of Celebi: Voice of the Forest, while simultaneously only seeing the two during the film’s events because he united them in the first place.

This time paradox is a classic example of a casual loop, also called a bootstrap paradox. This theoretical proposition is one of the most common story beats in time travel narratives, and usually involves a person doing something that affects themselves in the past to eventually set them on course to repeat the same action in the future, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy with no true beginning. Though used in science fiction like Star Trek and Doctor Who, Zelda fans might also remember a similar bootstrap paradox appearing in Ocarina of Time surrounding the Song of Storms.

The Pokemon anime is coming to an end soon. It recently announced its 25th season would be the last chapter of Ash’s journey, after which it would follow the adventures of Riko, a brand-new Pokemon protagonist. Fans will have to wait and see if the new heroine stumbles into any time-bending hijinks of her own once the new Pokemon show begins.

2023-02-05 07:00:03
Original from gamerant.com

Many Pokemon fans have noticed a strange occurrence in the Pokemon Anime: a time paradox surrounding Ash, Professor Oak, and his beloved Pikachu.

The time paradox started during the first episode of the series. Ash leaves home to start his Pokemon journey, bringing his Pikachu along with him. However, in the very same episode, Professor Oak arrives to give Ash his very first Pokemon – the same Pikachu which has already been accompanying him.

This has sparked an intense debate among Pokemon fans, who have identified what appears to be an unaddressed time paradox. Some have speculated that this loop in time could have been put in place to have a more interesting beginning for the series. Others have suggested that it might be a consequence of Ash and Pikachu’s strong bond – one which transcends the laws of time.

Whatever the reason, the time paradox raises questions about the state of the Pokemon universe. After all, if Professor Oak gives Pikachu to Ash after Ash has already been travelling with it, in what other ways could the laws of time be broken in the world of Pokemon?

For now, the resolution of this strange anomaly remains a mystery. It may be that it was done purposefully to add dramatic effect and intrigue. Or, perhaps, it is an intentional omission, and we’ll never know the answer. Nevertheless, it is an interesting topic that continues to fascinate Pokemon fans.

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